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A/N: Ruth's outfit^^^

The Delancey's ran out, itching for a fight. Wiesel held them back, wanting to see how it was going to play out.

All of the newsies, expect for Jack, Les, and Davey, ran out to attack the three boys, but were stopped by Jack and Davey.

"No, no! We all stand together!" Davey shouted at the top of his lungs, sickening the group. "Or we don't have a chance!"

"Jack!" Davey called out for the leader, and he piped up.

"Yeah. I know. I hear ya."

"Fellas," Jack put his hands in his hips like a disappointed parent after finding out their kid snuck out. "I know someone put youse up to this." Jack said softly.

Yeah, they probably paid you some extra money, too, huh?" Jack gestured to Wiesel. "Yeah, well, it ain't right. Pulitzer thinks we are gutter rats." Jack spat. "With no respect for nothin' including each other. Is that who were are? Huh?" He asked the boys, who seemed to be thinking.

Jack continued his rant, "Well, we stab each other in the back and, yeah, that's who we are." He pointed at the boys. "But if we stand together, we can change the whole game. And it ain't just about us! Yeah, all across the city there are boys and girls who ought to be out playin' or going to school! Instead they are slavin' to support themselves and their folks!" Jack pointed out at the streets. "Ain't no crime being poor! No, not a one of us complains if the work we do is hard. All we ask is a square deal. For the sake of all the kids in every sweatshop, factory, and slaughterhouse in this city, I beg you, throw down your papers... And join the strike."

Les wandered up to the front of the group, standing beside Jack. "Please?" He asked, making Davey smile slightly.

The three boys looked at each other, Stone-cold looks on their faces. The boy in the middle adjusted his hat and stalked up to Jack.

"Hey! What are you doing? Come on!" The newsies jumped forward, ready to defend Jack if need be.

"I'm with ya!" He threw his papers down, making the newsies cheer.

The remaining two boys looked at him in shock. They tried to leave, but were stopped.

"Now is the time to seize the day." Davey said louder this time, and with more passion. He had his hand on of the The boy's shoulder, preventing him from leaving.

"Now is the time to seize the day." The newises echoed.

"Answer the call and don't delay." Davey said.

"Answer the call and don't delay
Wrongs will be righted
If we're united
Let us seize the day."

Another one of the boys threw his papers down, leaving one boy left.

"You're kidding me, right?" He scoffed st his friend.

"Hey, at the end of the day, who are you going to trust? Them?" He looked at the newsies, "or them?" He threw his bag at Wiesel.

"Now let 'em hear it loud and clear." Jack walked up to the last boy.

"Now let 'em hear it loud and clear."

"Like it or not we're drawing near."

"Like it or not we're drawing near
Proud and defiant
We'll slay the giant
Judgment day is here."

"Ah, What the hell!" The boy smirked. "My father's gonna kill me anyway!" He threw his papers to the ground, and his bag at Wiesel and his goons.

"Houston to Harlem, look what's begun! One for all and all for one!" The boys threw one hand in the air.

"Strike! Strike! Strike! Strike! Strike!" They began to jump around, energy surging through them.

Oh! Strike!"

All of the newises got into a line, and began to march. Davey and Jack moved out of the way as a handful of newsies began to spin around. They did cartwheels, and a few incredible jumps.

After they were done, Les pushed a Newsies out of the way, carefully laying a paper down on the ground, he brushed the wrinkles out, and Crutchie walked over.

"Yeah, you see this Mr. Pulitzer?" He smirked, before placing a foot on one side of the paper, and Les put his foot on the other side. They pulled, tearing the paper apart. A few other newsies grabbed more papers, and mimicked the same thing. They rubbed the papers into the ground, tearing them and staining them with the dirt.

The Delancey's and other goons of Wiesel's pushed the newsies around, and a fight began to break out. Davey tried to move Les off to the side, knowing he would be killed by his mother, if Les got so much as a paper cut. Oscar picked up Les, and Davey pushed him away, grabbing his brother from the older boy.

Jack began to punch at Oscar, who in return, sent him a punch, that made him roll to the floor. Jack quickly got up, and the newsies began to rush towards the goons.

The Delancey's pushed multiple boys away, but were eventually pushed to their knees. Les walked up, and pushed their heads together.

"Now is the time to seize the day
They're gonna see there's hell to pay
Nothing can break us
No one can make us quit before we're done
One for all and all for
One for all and all for
One for all and all for one!"

The newsies all piled beside the piles of papers, as Katherine, Ruth, and a man with a camera rushed out to them. Ruth was smiling widely, not only about the strike, but at all of their courage and bravery.

Katherine was scribbling in her notepad, that made doctor's handwriting look neat.

The man took the picture, a puff of smoke going up in the air. The boys cheered, after the picture was taken, and began to run around. Katherine talked excitedly to the camera man, while Ruth looked through the crowd, trying to find Racetrack.

"Newsies forever!" They all grabbed papers.

"Second to none!" They threw all of the papers in the air.

Katherine ran over to Jack, who tore a paper with her. She laughed loudly, making Jack smile. Ruth stood in the middle of the storm, still looking for the familiar face.

"All for one, and all for one
All for one, and all for..." the newsies quickly stopped singing, as Wiesel came back, this time with more goons.

The newsies scrambled, and grabbed the torn papers. They began to run away, seeing Wiesel swing a metal bat around.

"Atta boys!" Wiesel said, and his goons attacked.

Romeo grabbed large stacks of tied up papers and handed them out to use as weapons or shields. Katherine and the cameraman hid behind the crowd, but Ruth was trapped in the middle, surrounded by newsies.

"It's time these kids learned a lesson." Wiesel smirked.

And then it all went to hell.

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