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"I'm just sayin', Race," Jack said, "you seem pretty infatuated with Ruthie."

"Since when did you know such big words, huh?" Racetrack teased.

"I'm spendin' to much time with Katherine." Jack groaned, rubbing his face. "And besides, this aint about my vocabulary. It's about you and Ruthie. What are you gonna do?"

Racetrack flopped face first into his bunk. All Jack heard was incoherent mumbling.

"English, please." Jack threw a pillow at him, nailing him in the head.

"She's just so used to all that fancy stuff. I dunno what I could give her." Racetrack moped. "How could she spend the rest of her life with a guy like me?"

"Since when did you turn into a sap?" Jack rose an eyebrow.

"Since when did you care about how sappy I was?" Racetrack shot back lamely.

"Your impossible." Jack laughed, walking out of the bunk room.


Katherine and Ruth were sprawled out on Katherine's bedroom floor, admiring the women and fashion in the magazines.

"How are you and Jack?" Ruth asked, flipping a page.

"We're doing just fine. He decided he wants to stay in New York for a little longer, and if I'm being honest, I'm very glad." Katherine whispered as if Jack would hear her. "It's just that I worry for him, you know? He's smart, but I'm worried he'll get into something he can't finish."

The room was silent for a minute. "How are you and Race doing? Do I need to give him a beating?" Katherine rose an eyebrow, causing Ruth to giggle.

"We caught up after work yesterday, and Mother invited him to dinner. It was horrific!" Ruth groaned, recalling the events the night before. "I feel like he's uncomfortable around my family."

"Whatta mean?" Katherine scrunched her eyebrows together.

"I dunno," Ruth sighed. "I felt like he felt out of place when he was over. He kept looking at all of our stuff and looked depressed. I'm just worried he-"

Before the conversation could go any further, a knock was heard at her bedroom window. Katherine opened her curtains more, gasping as Jack sat on the fire escape, a silly look on his face. Ruth was still laying in the ground, as Katherine threw open the window and Jack came inside. He placed his hands in Katherine's face and kissed her passionately, making Ruth gag and turn away.

"Innocent woman present!" She cried, covering her eyes.

Jack and Katherine broke apart, laughing a little at Ruth's reaction.

"C'mon Ruthie. You is anything but innocent." Jack joked, making Ruth roll her eyes.

"Why are you here, Jack?" Katherine asked, a smile still plastered on her face. "And is the front door too good for you?"

"Ha ha." He laughed dryly. "I just wanted to spend some time with my favorite goil in the woild." Jack smirked at Katherine.

"I'll leave you alone," Ruth winked, getting off the floor and walking out of her cousin's room.

She ran down the stairs, living the sound of her heels clicking on the wood.

She smiled at the doorman, and exited the Pulitzer household, entering the busy New York streets.

She wandered around for awhile, not sure where to go, or where she'd end up. She found herself walking into the newsboy house, her hands gliding against the wooden staircase's handrail. She walked into the shared room all the boys had, and  saw only a few of them there. She looked at a the clock in the wall, and predicted the rest of the boys would be arriving shortly.

"Hey Ruth!" A voice beckoned her over. Mush sat with two younger newsies, a deck of cards in his hands. "Want in?"

"Sure," Ruth sat down with them, smoothing out her dress. Mush felt out the cards, and Ruth put hers in her hands.

"How's you and Race doin'?" Mush questioned.

Ruth rose an eyebrow, "trying to distract me, Mush?"

"Nah, never." He smirked.

They heard the front door swing open and slam, the noise of multiple boys running up the stairs, filling the air.

Ruth felt a hand snake around her waist, and a hand covered her eyes. "Guess who?" Racetrack whispered in her ear.

She put her cards down, and turned away from the table. "What are you doing here, sweetie?" Racetrack asked, pecking her lips once, making Mush gag.

"Shove it, will you?" Racetrack joked, pulling Ruth to her feet. They walked away from the group, and towards Racetrack's bunk. He jumped up, helping Ruth. They sat on top, staring at each other, neither having anything to say.

"I've been thinking." Racetrack said finally.

"Dangerous." Ruth smirked.

"Ha ha." Racetrack said sarcastically. "Seriously, I was thinking maybe we can take that trip to Coney Island soon."

"Really?!" Ruth's face lit up. "That would be amazing."

Racetrack smiled at his girl. He loved seeing her so excited. He loved seeing her happy. Which is why it would be so hard to eventually let her go.

"How about tomorrow?" Racetrack questioned.

"What about work?" Ruth asked.

"You're more important, Ruthie."

Ruth's smiled seemed to smile even wider, as she tackled him in a hug.

A few whistles were heard around the room, and Racetrack shrugged them off. He wrapped his arms around her, burying his head in her hair.

Ruth let go, and glanced at the clock nervously. "Damn. I have to go home. I'll see you tomorrow." Ruth said, her eyes shining.

"See ya tomorrow," Racetrack smiled, as he watched Ruth walk out of the room.

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