Chapter 3

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That girl, she's scared of something I can see it in her eyes. When she looked at me she flinched like she was expecting me to hit her or something. For some reason she looks like Zayn. Like really looks like him, same eyes same face (not literally but close) and she sounds like Zayn a little but with a more feminine voice of course. The boys and I have been looking for her all night. She just ran off. We lost her a while ago but Zayn made us keep looking because he wants to know what's wrong, I mean we all do but Zayn just feels connected to her for some reason.

"Come on Zayn, we are never gonna find her! Can we just go home its cold and I'm hungry." Niall whines. I snort and Zayn shakes his head. This boy is never gonna give up until we find her. The rest of us groan and follow him around. Every now and then we find traces of her like a footprint but I seriously doubt its hers but Zayn is insisting. The girl (I don't know her name because she kept running off) has to be close other wise we are never going home tonight. We are in front of this house and I hear things smashing and some one yelling.

"GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE RIGHT NOW, YOU WORTHLESS BITCH! I FUCKING HATE YOU AND NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" A man screams at someone. That was harsh, why would he talk to someone like that. A person stumbles out of the house tears running down the girls face and blood spurting from her nose. I nudge Zayn and he's already running over to her, it's the girl from earlier. Of all odds this just so happens to be the girls house. Panic runs through my body as we rush over to her. This girl was punched in the face and it looks like her nose is broken. . . wait a minute. The cut on her face was not from falling someone or something cut her, or both but either way she did not fall. She still hasn't seen us as she stumbles over to a tree vomiting up blood and probably food or bile. By the time she turns around, Zayn is already half way to her and the rest of us following close behind.

"Wait we just want to help!" Liam yells sprinting after her. Liam is way faster than all of us so he can catch her faster. She doesn't stop and now I'm getting a feeling that we have to run too other wise we are going to lose them and this chase could go on forever because this girl is fast. We run after Liam and the girl running as fast as we can.

After about five minutes of running, the boys and I start to slow down Liam catches her arm and jerks her back making her scream in pain and whimper for him to let her go.

"Please just let us help. Your nose is not gonna stop bleeding if you keep running. Why did you run away from us earlier? We were just talking to you. You look so scared and by the sounds of it you need a place to stay please let us help you. I promise we won't hurt you." Liam says letting her arm go. Just as she was about to run she drops to the ground unconscious. We look at each other and Zayn picks her up. We start walking back to the flat, Niall whining the whole way back.

Once we get back to the flat, Zayn gently puts the girl on the couch tipping her head so the bleeding will stop. We all look at her worriedly. My eyes keep going from her to Zayn trying to see the resemblance though it's hard because blood and bruises and scars cover almost her entire face. Yup its there, I saw her eyes earlier and they are the same just like their faces. Even though she is passed out and covered in bruises, blood, cuts and scars, they still look alike. It's kind of weird.

"Zayn didn't you say, that when you were like two or something your mom had a baby but gave it up for adoption because she thought she couldn't handle another child?" I ask. Zayn's eyes widen and he looks at me.

"She couldn't be. I mean my mom always told me stories about when she made a mistake giving the baby up but I thought she was just kidding though I know this isn't really something to kid about. This girl could not be her." He says. There's movement on the couch and we turn our heads to the girl just as she's opening her eyes. As she takes in her surroundings, she starts to panic and fear washes over her brown eyes. She jumps from the couch and backs away from us shaking violently. She holds out her hands indicating to stay away.

"P-please d-don't hu-hurt me-me." She cries. Hurt fills my eyes though there is a bit of understanding deep down but I stay where I am. Zayn walks over to her and she screams backing into the wall. She keeps yelling for us to stay away but Zayn isn't gonna listen. She sinks to the floor crying and Zayn sits next to her.

"Please don't cry. We want to help you, I promise we aren't gonna hurt you. We should clean up the blood I think your nose is broken." The girl touches her nose and then flinches as Zayn tries to help her up walking her into the kitchen to wash her face. I notice her sweater sleeves are rolled up and I catch a glimpse of how bad her arms really are. If her face and arms look like that, what does the rest of her body look like?


heyy!! sorry if its short I am just trying to finish this chapter quickly sorry if I said Zayn to many times in there but I hope you liked it please remember to vote comment and follow me byee!!

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