Chapter 23

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The boys and I sit in the hospital waiting room as we wait for the doctor to come and tell us how Jessie is. My mind can't comprehend what she said. She can't remember me. She doesn't remember me or anybody else. She tried moving but passed out from the pain so I rushed her to the hospital and called the boys.

She doesn't remember me.

My leg bounces in nervousness as I sit silently. I haven't said a word to the boys other than telling them that she doesn't remember me. I haven't said a word for the past three hours. I just sit here, gripping my hands together so tight my knuckles turn white, and wait. Wait for the doctor to tell me how bad she is beaten up and when her memory will return.

"Mr. Zayn Malik?" A man with a white coat walks over to me. He looks to be in about his mid forties. I stand as do the boys.

"Yes? How is she? What's wrong? Why doesn't she remember me?" I fire these questions at the doctor as if expecting him to answer every single one immediately.

"Your sister has four broken ribs, three fractured fingers, a broken arm, a sprained ankle, a broken leg, her nose is broken, she has a severe concussion and amnesia. She also has many major and minor cuts and bruises all over her body." The doctor reads off a list of Jessie's injuries.

"When will her memory return?" I ask impatient to know when my sister will remember me. The doctor sighs and scratches his eyebrow. My heart races, my hands clench into fists. Niall puts a hand on my shoulder in reassurance.

"It could be days. Months or years. She may never regain her memory. She will be allowed to go home in two weeks we just want to make sure she is going to heal properly. You are allowed to see her if you would like." The doctor wait for me to say something.

"Do you know what she does remember?" I ask in hopes of her remembering anything.

"All she says she remembers is her father beating her. She's scared she will have to go back." The doctor looks at me sadly and walks away. Niall squeezes my shoulder and pushes me forward to Jessie's room. Her room number is 425. I stand in front of her door my heart breaking at the thought of her not having a clue who I am.

"You have to go in sometime Zayn. Who knows, maybe she will remember someday you just have to have hope." Liam sighs behind me.

My clammy hand turns the door knob and I walk in the boys following behind. Jessie looks at me and tries to move back in her lying position in the bed but screeches in pain and gives up. It's like when we first met. She was so scared that we would hurt her.

"I'm not going to hurt you Jessie. I promise you." I whisper. I'm on the brink of tears seeing my sister with half her face black and purple. Her nose is covered in bandages, her arm, fingers and leg are in a cast and I'm sure her rib cage is bandaged as well.

"How do you know me? Who are you? What is your name?" She asks fear clear in her voice. Harry steps forward and sits beside her bed in a chair. She flinches away but then yelps in pain.


Tears stream down Jessie's face both in pain and in fear. She has no idea of who we are. My heart shatters at the thought.

"Jessie, please we aren't going to hurt you. Do you remember me? My name is Harry." I try to sooth her but she looks even more frightened.

"I-I don't know you. I don't know any of you. Are you my father's friends? Please leave me alone." Jessie pleads holding her side in pain. Jessie pleads once more and we all leave, except Zayn. He stands there staring at his broken sister in shock and heartbroken pain. 

"My little sister. Jessie, I am so sorry I let this happen to you. I promised you he would never touch you again but I broke that promise. I did everything I could. I fought to keep you but I didn't fight hard enough and for that, I'm truly sorry Jessie. But you can't do this. You have to remember some small piece of me. Of mum even of Simon. Please Jessie you have to remember."

Zayn breaks down in tears looking at his sister praying for her to remember him.

"Please leave me alone. I have never seen you in my life." She whispers. Zayn doesn't move. He doesn't blink its like I'm looking at a complete statue. As those words left Jessie's lips, Zayn shattered. The pained look on his tear streaked face tells me his heart has heard what he did not want to hear. Louis pulls him out of the room and shakes him. He blinks back to reality and his knees buckle under him.

"She doesn't know me. My little sister doesn't remember who I am! She doesn't even know my fucking name! She's afraid of me! That bastard beat her nearly to death and now she's afraid that I'm going to hurt her!" Zayn shouts the doctors, nurses and patients look at us funny but I could care less.

"Zayn lets go home. We will come back tomorrow and try again. Please, Zayn." I whisper beside him. He grabs my hand and Niall and I have to practically drag him out of the hospital his limbs limp, his body shaking in sobs. It kills me to see him like this but it is also hurting us that Jessie doesn't remember us. That bastard of a father broke her into little pieces. Once we reach my car, Niall helps me put Zayn in the back seat. When I shut the door, flashes appear out of nowhere.

Oh shit. How the hell did they find  us?!

The color drains from Louis' face as the paps come out of nowhere and start yelling questions about Jessie and her father and everything that has happened in the past week.

"HARRY! IS IT TRUE, DOES JESSIE NOT REMEMBER ANYTHING ABOUT YOU GUYS?!" One of them yells. My blood boils. How would they know about that? Somebody in the hospital must've heard Zayn yelling or something. More annoying questions are being thrown at us as the flashes of cameras everywhere blind us. Liam glares at the news reporters and starts pushing them away.

"Niall come with me and Louis will go with Liam we just need to get out of here." I yell out to him. He nods and pushes the assholes out of the way to get to the car door. Louis and Liam jump in their car quickly pulling out of the hospital parking lot. I don't want to leave Jessie there alone but Zayn wouldn't be able to handle being in there when she doesn't have a clue who he is. 

"We will do whatever it takes to get Jessie's memory back Zayn I promise."


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