Chapter 19

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Zayn shakes me awake as we get ready for a long day of running around the city of London. Its been about three weeks since we moved into our new house and I couldn't love it more. The text I got a while ago still creeps into my dreams at night waking me up covered in sweat. I don't screem when I wake up and I sob quietly in my bed so I don't wake Zayn because he has so much sleep deprivation the bags under his eyes are horrific.

"Morning madusa, jump in the shower get dressed and we'll grab breakfast on the way to the market." Zayn runs out of the room leaving me to shuffle out of bed and look at how ugly my hair really is this morning. After washing my hair and grabbing a pair of black yoga pants and a plain blue v-neck shirt, I hop down the stairs shoving my DC hightops on my feet and running outside to see Zayn waiting by the car.

"Okay what do you wanna grab for breakfast?" I ask. Zayn hops in the drivers seat and starts up the engine driving away from the house. After five minutes of driving, we stop at the drive through for, McDonalds. He orders us both an eggMcmuffin type thing and pays for it driving off while eating.

"Okay, We need to stop at the studio because the guys and I are recording a few songs and than we will go food shopping." Zayn mumbles though I understood clearly. I nod taking a bite of my own breakfast sandwhich. When we get to the studio, I jump out of the car throwing my wrappers from the sandwhich away and jumping into the boys arms though I just saw them a few days ago.

"Jessie! We missed you!" Louis yells. I laugh as we walk inside.

"Oh thanks guys, I missed you too." Zayn rolls his eyes sarcastically. The others laugh and pat him on the back once we reach the doors of the studio. Simon stands there grinning when we get inside and I wave energetically at him. Everybody runs to a room that holds a booth and an electrical pad. . . I don't know what to call it. Somebody is already sitting in one of the chairs in front of all the buttons leaving two chairs left and I plop myself down in one, Simon taking a seat in the other. The boys shuffle into the recording booth and grab a set of headphones each.

"Okay let start with, Ready To Run from the top." Simon says into a microphone. I sit back knowing this is going to be a boring session. I know the guys are good at singing and all but sitting here doing nothing while I listen to them record gets really boring. My phone rings in my pocket and I jump up and run out of the room to take the call thankful to get out of the boring, stuffy, hot room.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Jessie. Hasn't even been that long and I already hate the sound of that annoying little voice."

The voice grumbles.

Oh No.

"How did you get my number?" My voice cracks on the verge of tears. This can't be happening. My nightmares are becoming reality once again.

"What, no hello for your dear old daddy? Listen you little bitch, I want you home and I want you home now. If you don't bring you're ass home, I will find you, and I will bing you home myself."

 No. He can't do this to me. I am finally begginning to get happy, my dreams are slowly but surly going away, he was the one who kicked me out in the first place.

"No. I am finally getting happy. You were the one who kicked me out in the first place! You can't just kick me out and want nothing to do with me and than want me back again! Leave me alone!" Tears burn my eyes, my voice shaky and weak not like I wanted it to sound, strong, brave.

"Talk back to me like that again and I will make sure you will hurt for a very long time."

The line goes dead and I drop my phone. He can't take me back! I can't go back to that hell! My knees buckle and I drop to the floor in a heap of tears.

"Jessie? Oh my god, Jessie! Are you okay? What happened?!" Niall shouts. Foot steps rumble the ground as they stop in front of me, Niall sinking to the ground next to me.

"M-My f-fa-father." Is all I can manage to get out before I choke up again. Niall's arms wrap around me pulling me close to him.


Zayn told the guys and I about the text, Jessie got a bit ago and now she says something about her father? This can't be good. Jessie shakes uncontrollably in my arms as I carry her back to the sound booth.

"Guys, we have a problem." I look to the guys who's faces go from one of shock to worry as their eyes land on Jessie. Simon looks at Zayn as Jessie continues to shake.

"What happened to her?" Zayn rushes out. I set Jessie down on the couch that conveniantly sits in the booth.

"I was coming back from the toilet and I overheard Jessie talking to someone on her phone. She sounded like she was crying so I went to check it out and when I found her, she was on the floor balling her eyes out and shaking like that." I explain. Zayn's face shows complete and utter terror. Harry drops to the floor by Jessie's head and takes her hand rubbing it soothingly.

"Z-Zayn, I-I'm scared. He's go-going t-to take m-me ba-back. P-Please don't l-let th-that happen." She stutters. Jessie squeezes Harry's hand.

"Niall. did you grab her phone?" I hand Zayn Jessie's phone and he looks through it finding the number. Zayn clenches is free hand into a fist so hard his knuckles turn white.

"That was the number that sent her the text. Jessie's father is trying to find her." Zayn growls through clenched teeth.


Heyy!! sorry for the short chapter! please remember to vote, comment and follow me!

PS. when i finish this book, (which won't be for a while so don't worry) I will go through it and edit I just dont have time right now. I love you guys byee!!

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