Chapter 32

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"She's my sister! Let me in! What the hell?!" I scream. Liam and Harry pull me back before I punch a doctor in the jaw. The security guards stand at alert watching me carefully.

"Get off me I'm fine! I'm calm get off me." I shout but a little calmer now. The boys let go and Harry pats my back.

"Zayn she'll be fine. She's the strongest girl we know! Your sister is going to be fine." Harry reassures me. I sit down rubbing my hands up and down my pants. Anger mixed with worry and stress and its killing me. I haven't called my mum yet because she would have a heart attack knowing that the daughter that she just got back is in the hospital again. About an hour later, there are a shit ton of flashes outside and I cover my face groaning.

"How the hell do they find us like that?!" Louis whines. I get up flip the paps off and close the blinds. Doctors look at the five of us funny but get back to work quickly.

"Mr. Zayn Malik?" A doctor comes up to us. I stand up walking over to the doctor. He tells me to follow him and we walk down a hall into what I assume to be Jessie's room.

"Now, Zayn. Your sister is fine, she nothing really happened but she is sleeping. When she wakes up, she will have some news for you and I promise you will be happy." The doctor smiles and walks away. I look to my sleeping sister a little sprite of joy jolts through me when I see no IV's or heart monitors surrounding her. It's just me and her. Tears well up in my eyes and I pull a chair beside her bed and take her hand in mine.

"I'm so happy you're okay Jessie. I was so afraid I would lose you! I love you Jessie I'm so happy you're okay." I kiss the top of her hand and she stirs. She rolls onto her side facing me and opens her eyes a little. When she sees me, she opens them fully and jumps out of the bed. Literally jumps out of the bed and into my arms.

"Oh Zayn! I was so scared when they wouldn't let you in. They freaking drugged me so I would stop yelling but I was so scared and- Oh! Zayn, I remember! Zayn I remember everything! I remember the first day we met, I remember you! I remember everything about you Zayn!" She screams. My heart stops. She just said she remembers me. My little sister remembers me!

"Jessie that's amazing! I am so happy for you!" Tears stream down both of our faces and we sit there for a while just crying tears of joy until I tell her I'm going to get the boys and sign some release papers.


The other four boys, and Simon walk in a few minutes later concern and worry on each of their faces.

"Oh my god, Jessie! We are so glad you're okay! Zayn told us your remember everything! That's amazing Jessie!" Niall throws his arms around me giving me one of his Horan hugs.

"Yeah, it felt so weird! I have never felt that much pain in my life but it was over quickly and then every memory that was still lost somewhere in my fricking head, came flooding back to me!" I start crying again into Niall's shoulder and he pulls away wiping my tears and then I'm wrapped in Liam's arms and so on and so forth until Zayn comes back. When he hands me my coat and shoes, well shoe, I run out of the stupid hospital. We drive home and I walk in collapsing on boobear. I fiddle with the stuffed animals paw and turn on the telly.

"Jess, I'm going to make some soup do you want some?" Zayn asks. I nod thanking him and he and Harry walk in while Niall and Louis sit on the couch talking.

"Hey, Niall, where did my food go?" I ask referring to the food and pad lock he gave me. He chuckles and points up to my room trying to be secretive. I nod knowingly.

"Zayn and Harry are taking a while to make a few simple bowls of soup. What are they doing in there?" I ask. Louis smirks but doesn't give me an answer.

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