Chapter 29

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Jessie just locked herself in her room again. Usually she just wakes up eats breakfast and quietly goes back to her room. This time, she just jumped up and ran locking her door behind her. What is going on? Louis tries to get her to open the door after my attempts failed. Harry walks through the front door without knocking and looks at me.

"Hey Jessie called me over. Where is she?" He asks.

What? Why would she call Harry over when I'm right here.

"She's upstairs but she won't let anybody in." I explain. He nods and jogs up the stairs taking two at a time with me following close behind.


"It's alright Lou, I got her from here." I say. Louis looks half surprised to see me until understanding sets into his eyes.

"Come on Zayn, let's go get some pizza." Louis pats my shoulder and they walk back down the stairs. I knock on the door but he doesn't answer.

"Jess, it's me. Open the door Jessie." I whisper loud enough for her to hear my voice on the other side of the door. There's a moment's pause and then the lock on the door clicks and then opens. She pulls me inside and I then see all the pictures covering every inch of her bedroom floor. This is what Zayn is always talking about, she always locks herself in here for hours at a time just to try and remember things, people... us.

"What's wrong Jessie?" I ask referring to why she called me over. She sighs deeply and then looks up at me with a half hearted smile and tears in her eyes. My brows furrow in confusion waiting for her to speak.

"I-I, um... I remember you." She stutters. For a second I swear to god, my heart stopped. The expression on her face shows she both happy and sad maybe even a little pissed off.

"Jessie that's amazing! That just means you are one step closer to remembering Zayn, remembering everything that you didn't want to forget. Why aren't you happy?" I shout maybe a little too excited because she flinches back and I immediately regret doing it.

"Because, I have been trying to remember him for almost three months Harry! I can remember every single one of you, even fucking Simon but I can't remember my own fucking brother?! What the hell is wrong with me?! It kills me everyday, Harry. It kills me to see that sad look on his face when I come out of this room with nothing in my mind to say that I can remember but I can't! I fucking can't and I'm trying so hard!" She yells. Tears stream down her face as she sinks to the floor in a sobbing mess. I sit beside her and wrap my arms around her small frail body.

"This isn't your fault Jessie." I sooth. She just cries into my chest her hands gripping my shirt until her knuckles turn white.

"But it is my fault Harry. It's my mind, my mind that I control and I can't even get one memory of the most important person to me!" Her voice is muffled but I still hear it loud and clear.

"No. Jessie this isn't your fault. But you know what? The best memories of the best people take longer to return. I promise you Jessie, your memories will return one day but maybe that isn't today or tomorrow. It may not even be for years but I know your memory will return. And if they don't, you can always make new memories. Better memories than before but for now just keep trying Jessie. I will help you."

Jessie looks up at me, sniffles then nods.


I sit against the wall beside Jessie's door listening to their conversation. She can't remember me. She can remember everybody but me.

I hear Harry telling her the same thing Liam told me. Make newer, better memories.

"Come on Zayn, she just needs time mate. She will remember but it will take time." Louis sits beside me trying to get me to go back downstairs but I can't move. My body is numb, my arms limp at my sides preventing me from moving.

"I can't leave her Lou. I just get her back and it seems like I'm losing her again. For the last three months she has been locking herself in this room for hours at a time. She wouldn't even come out to eat sometimes. The only time I ever saw her was when she came out with frustrated tears running down her face, she would come down grab some dinner and go back up. My baby sister is losing herself in trying to just remember me and I can't bare this any longer."

Louis sits there silently for a while beside me. We sit there not saying anything as we listen to Jessie and Harry talk about pictures and Harry explaining some pictures to her when she asks.


"This one, we were at an interview, You were throwing things the wardrobe team because they kept trying to make you wear ugly dresses but it wasn't anything new, you did it almost every single time we were at an interview and eventually they would just let you wear what you wanted but this time Zayn just made you sit still for the make up much to your protest." Harry points to a picture sitting on the floor beside my feet. I staring at Zayn giving him the worst death glare I have ever seen. It makes me laugh a little bit when I see him smiling innocently at the camera like nothing happened.

"I just don't understand why we took all these pictures at the most random times. Some of these pictures don't even make sense." I pick the picture up examining it like a detective would a crime scene. Harry takes the picture from my hands.

"Because. When we first found out who you were and who you were related to, Zayn thought it would be a good idea to take as many pictures as we could just in case something like this happened one day though we didn't think something like this  would actually happen. Zayn just wanted to get the special, funny, and even the serious moments with you because one day maybe somebody will want to look at these and see the good happy memories that we made." He tells me.

I smile once more and pick up another picture. Zayn and I stand in front a park. Kids are in the background playing and I'm on Zayn's back his arm stretched out towards the camera. He took this picture.

"It was really cold that day. You insisted that you and Zayn go to the park even though it was freezing cold. When you guys came back, Zayn wouldn't stop laughing at how much you were drenched. You walked in the house and you were so cold you put on three pairs of pyjama pants, two pairs of socks and stole one of m sweaters claiming it was the biggest and warmest sweater you had ever seen... I never saw that sweater again because you wouldn't give it back. You made Zayn make you a steaming cup of coffee just so you could warm your fingers, you didn't even drink it!" Harry exclaims. My cheeks burn but I laugh.

"I think that sweater is still in my closet. I use it to sleep in because it is very warm and comfortable." I get up and hobble over to my closet. This boot may let me walk but that doesn't mean I can walk very well. I rummage through the closet for a minute until I find the big green sweater that is like a huge dress on me.

"You are never getting this back" I laugh. Harry laughs with me when he sees how big it is on me. I sit back down the sweater pooling around me and we sit for a while more talking about pictures and laughing at some of the things in the pictures.

"Holy hell, Jessie its nearly ten at night, we've been doing this for almost six hours." Harry jumps up at the time. Six hours? Six hours and I still have no recognition of Zayn. I frown but push the thought to the back of my head.

"I should get going, the boys and I have a big day tomorrow." Harry wraps his arms around me in a tight hug before letting go and walking out after saying goodbye. I walk out after him and walk him to the door hugging him one more time.

When the door closes behind him and I hear the engine of his car roar to life and drive off, I turn back around to see Zayn asleep on the couch with the telly muted and Louis on the floor snoring softly. I move quietly on my tiptoes to where Zayn lays and grab the blanket on the arm of the sofa. I lay spread it out pulling it up to Zayn's shoulders and find another one for Lou.

"I will remember you Zayn, I promise."


Heyy!! This is a longer chapter than usual and I want to try and make the rest as long as this but I'm so lazy and tired these days but I will try. Only a few chapters left!!!! I'm not making this book overly long because then it will just end up going nowhere. Anyway... remember to vote comment and follow me byee!!

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