Part 19

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Natasha returned to her children's side by morning, and Steve joined her when he found her gone. Natasha adored her children, instead of sleeping, and Steve adored her.

"Mama" Tommy woke up.

"I am here, baby" she said, pulling him close to her.

Joey woke up a dew minutes later, and saw Steve.

"Papa!! Mama" he almost got tears in his eyes.

"Oh, baby. I am here" she pulled him in her arms too. The twins cuddled into their mother's embrace and returned to sleep.

"They are so small, I feel horrible when I think of what they went through " she said, her eyes wet.

"It's not your fault Nat" he said stroking her arm, "and you are back, so, let bygones be bygones"

Natasha smiled, "Steve? Let's go to Dr. Strange for the third sitting, I want to remember their births. "

"We'll go tomorrow. You just had one session yesterday. We cannot stress you so much" he said.

She didn't argue, and decided to obey him. She was with her children, that mattered much more.

The day passed in a rush. Natasha was busy all day. Preparing breakfast, then helping James and Anty with homework while Steve did the dishes. Getting the twins to bath, and then giving them attention. Steve made lunch, while she agreed to help Maggie with her bath and then hr hair.

She and Steve cleaned the house, then made popcorn for a family movie night. James and Anthony enjoyed the movie a lot. Maggie was busy coloring while the twins kept fighting for their mother's lap.

Natasha also did some of the laundry, her kids got their clothes dirtier then adults would.

Steve helped her with dinner and did the dishes himself.

At night, they both tugged them all to sleep, kissing their foreheads and crashing to bed together.

Natasha laughed as she recalled her day.

"What happened? " he asked.

"I can't believe all this is real. A home, husband, five kids, household chores. Is this really me? " she said amazed.

"Well it is Nat, and, I hope you love this as much as you did before " Steve said, a little scared.

She faced him and smiled, "Of course I do. I love all this so much. And Steve you are such an amazing husband. I love you" she teased him.

He blushed, and she gave him a lip peck, "As much as I want to do it, I am too tired tonight " she said.

"Its okay, you can just lay there, while I do everything else" he proposed.

"Seriously? How can I just lay? I am bound to participate " she said.

"Well, you sometimes didn't. You were always tired after Joey and Tommy so,  you just.. And I did.. You liked it " he said.

Natasha bit her lip nervously, "Okay, show me" she said.

He smirked, quickly locked the room, and removed his and her clothes.

"Just relax, close your eyes" he said, towering her.

She nodded, and did as directed. He  stretched her arms over her head and let her breaths calm. Then he started kissing her slowly.

Starting from her cheek, he went to her neck, slowly, kissing, nibbling on her skin. She let him do everything while she didn't move a muscle.

He fondled her breasts, and kissed them, she let out a soft moan. He kissed her belly, and her navel, slowly parting  her thighs with his knees.

"I love you" he said, as he made the move. She gasped a little, "this is amazing " she replied. He continued with slow thrusts inside her.

"Oh Steve, Steve stop, Steve!! " she moaned, it was still too tiring.

He didn't stop till he himself got exhausted and then lay down beside her, getting clothed.

"I understand why we have five kids" she said, "You are so good".

"Well, you wanted the kids. I was happy with three. But you just hate the concept of protection or contraceptives" he replied.

She laughed, "I must have been desperate. I still.. No.. Its enough now" she said.

"Tommy changed your mind, trust me" he said.

"I do. " she said.

"He is so like you Nat. He wants undivided attention, and hates being ignored for even a second. So stubborn, even at this age. " Steve said.

"Well, I am proud. And... I am so proud of James. He is just 7 yet so mature, so understanding, and he.. He got us back" Natasha said.

"He adores us. More then as parents. Anthony wants you, Maggie wants me. Joey and Tommy are too young but James. Even if we had a little fight he hated it. He is happy when we are together, loving each other. He loves us as a couple. Its so.. " Steve was lost at words.

"Its cute. He is the first product of our love, so I guess he understands better. And he is such a friend to me, I mean, its so amazing " she said.

"So he is to me. He is a perfect blend of us both, having 50/50 of us. He has my patience and your smartness. He is such a little wonder" Steve said proudly.

Natasha cuddled into his arms, "So? How did we have him? Details please" she teased. He blushed.

"He.. Well.. I can demonstrate that.. If you can" he winked.

"No, too tired" she laughed.

They both kissed and then she rested her head on his chest, entering slumber quickly. Steve didn't sleep till late, busy adoring the sight of his beautiful wife asleep in his arms.

"Welcome back Nat, always stay in my arms like this" he whispered, and kissed her lips gently without disturbing her sleep, before closing his eyes and sleeping too.

So, the next chapter would be the last.
Hope you liked this story.
I know, we'll all miss the kids. So they'll return in another story soon.
Do give your reviews.

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