Part 8

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Steve brought the DNA test reports, Natasha was confident, when she saw these children, the pull towards them assured her they were hers.

"Read it yourself" Steve gave it her.

She lowered her head and got the report out of the envelope. As she read, a smile came on her face.

"100% match" she smiled, "they are my children"

"And you are my Natasha" Steve said, Natasha's heart beat raced. There was some feeling in her that she couldn't understand.

They were lost in each others eyes.

"Make them kiss again" James said from across the room to Wanda, as they both peeked through the window.

"No, its wrong, they need to kiss themselves. They needed the trigger, I gave them. Now they need to feel it themselves"  Wanda explained.

"I lack patience " he said.

"I know, you are so like Nat" Wanda said.

"God! Just kiss already before Tom starts crying " James said.

Natasha had tears in her eyes, she hugged Steve, throwing her arms around his shoulders. Steve held her close, wrapping his arms around her torso.

"I am so sorry, I want to remember everything " she said.

"Its not your fault Nat" he said.

They hugged for long, then backed off when it got awkward.

Natasha looked away, "I need to check on the kids" she said.

Steve nodded. James hit his hand on the head, "they are so slow"

"James!! Patience" Wanda said.

"Yeah, whatever" he rolled his eyes, "I'll go"

He rushed out, "Mommy! " he shouted. She turned and smiled, he hugged her belly.

"I love you" she said messing his hair.

"I love you too" James said, he pulled her down and kissed her cheeks, "you are so soft mommy".

Natasha smiled, "So are you" she said, kissing his cheeks.

Steve smiled too. Anthony came out of the room rubbing his eyes.

"Aww, my baby is up? " Natasha said picking him up in her arms.

"Mommy! " he said sleepily, resting his head on her shoulder.

Steve walked to them, "sleepy days over young man, school resumes from tomorrow "

"But I am sick" Anthony said innocently.

"You were sick, your mother is back, you are fine now" Steve said.

"Come on, school's fun,  right" Natasha said.

"Not as fun as staying home with you mommy" he said.

"I'll drop you off and pick you up, and you will get to tell me school stories." Natasha tried to convince.

"Okay" Anthony said. She kissed his cheek and took him in to get him cleaned.

James got on the kitchen stool, "Mom looks so beautiful in blonde hair right. I mean she always looks beautiful".

Steve looked at James raising an eyebrow. Tony entered their house.

"Uncle Tony! " James shouted. Tony gave him a high five.

"So, what's cooking? " Tony asked.

"Bacon and eggs" Steve said.

"Uncle Tony, my mom always looks so beautiful right? " James said.

"Oh yeah! You father is one lucky man. She is damn hot and sexy, even with all the kids she has" Tony said.

"Tony?! " Steve glared at him.

"You know she is like a sister to me, don't be insecure. If I had other things in mind, there was no way you could take her from me" Tony said.

James laughed, "You are so confident, I wish daddy was too"

"I am confident " Steve said.

"Really? " James said, "then I dare you to take mommy in a dinner date"

"James? " Steve looked shocked.

"Yes, if you are confident, take mom on a date dad. She has forgotten, make her fall in love with you again. " James said.

"Kids got a point though. We can't risk her falling for someone else" Tony said.

Natasha came back with Anthony and poured him some milk.

"Go, go" James whispered.

Steve was hesitant, but James was pleading with his eyes.

Steve left the stove and went to Natasha, he put his hand on her waist. She turned and collided with his chest.

"Will you go out for dinner with me? " he asked.

Natasha's eyes opened wide in shock, she looked here and there.

"Natasha? " Steve grabbed her waist and pulled her close.

"Yeah.... Yeah I will" she replied.

James smiled, Tony smirked. Steve and Natasha both blushed as they parted.

"My dad should seriously quit blushing " James said to Tony.

"He looks cute, its okay" Tony said.

Maggie woke up too, and all of them had breakfast together.

After breakfast, Natasha had Tom and Joe on her lap having their bottles and James and Wanda walked in the room.

"What's wrong? You guys look tensed" Natasha asked.

"We.. You are going on a date mom, you need to prepare " James said.

"Its your first date, I mean after.. " Wanda said.

"Yeah, it kind of is" Natasha blushed.

"It can be very good, it can.. You know" Wanda teased.

"I.. Should prepare" Natasha said with a shy smile.

James grinned widely, "I wish aunt Maria was here, she would have helped you. She is your best friend"

"I can help her " Wanda said.

"Yeah, right! Go help yourself. I know how hard you are trying and failing with uncle Buck" James said.

Wanda's cheeks flushed. Natasha smiled.

"Don't tell dad, its our secret. He is very protective " James whispered.

"Okay Wanda, I can help you with that" Natasha teased.

"I advised her to use her magic, but she is too righteous. Daddy's teachings " James rolled her eyes.

"We help each other then, deal? " Wanda said.

"Deal! " Natasha confirmed.

Tom and Joe finished. James went to them, "Come one you both, stop being so sticky, mom has a date with dad" he took their hands and helped them down.

"Take care of them" Natasha said.

"I will mom, prepare for your big night" James said.

Natasha smiled, she could feel why James is so excited. He wants his parents to go back to loving each other and she couldn't blame him. For his happiness she would do whatever it takes. And in reality, she was herself quite excited for the date.

She was falling in love again.

I love James so much😂 such a cute cupid he is. Wanda has a thing for Buck😜 but he is stuck with Natasha in his head. What will happen next? Do give your reviews.

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