Chapter Nineteen - The End

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After I’d been released from the hospital it had been discovered that Tammy genuinely was insane and she needed help, so, she had been admitted to some sort of asylum or something of the sort, truth be told, I didn’t care so long as she was far away from me. The Mahon’s sold their home, so that they could move and be closer to Tammy, I was happy, I didn’t want anything to do with any of the family, and having them next door only freaked me out more, driving Gary and I closer because he was determined to protect me and keep me from harm’s way, moving into my room because I’d wake up screaming at night from nightmares. Everyone thought it was because I was reliving the memory of that disastrous hurling match that had changed everything, sure that was part of it, but the main cause was the memory of George, the hurt I had caused him, the thought that it could have been real and I might have made him suffer, surely it would have broken his heart and everything was made worse when I found out about the Beatles.

Mum and Granny McCarthy declared me a Beatlemaniac when I started spouting information that they didn’t even know about the band. Eventually everyone just left me to my obsession over the Beatles, buying me anything and everything to do with the Beatles.

I sobbed for weeks when I discovered that John was dead and I refused to eat. When I found out about George I became depressed, but Gary and Mark pulled me out of it they stayed by my side throughout everything, helped me cope. I scoffed at the whole Faul theory, he really was Paul McCartney, the boys were practically brothers, they’d never get a replacement for Paul.

What got me down the most was when I listened to the song Love Me Do, the wrong Beatle was singing it. George was meant to sing it, not Paul. I was shocked when I found out that George had a seventeen year old, Irish girlfriend, called Charlene McCarthy back in 1962. I was put further on edge when I heard about how she had vanished and couldn’t be traced, and that her background was the exact same as my own had been. The biggest surprise of all had been when I’d found a picture of Charlene and saw myself smiling shyly back.

Things had gradually gotten better for me, though. The new people had moved in next door; the Berry’s had two daughters and one son, Holly was seventeen, Daisy was Eleven and Sean was nineteen.

Some things just never changed, though, because Gary took an immediate liking to poor Holly, but fortunately I actually liked Holly, so I was all for it.

Sean asked me out and Gary threw a fit, but Sean just laughed it off and didn’t give up on me, even though I wasn’t interested and I didn’t pretend to be.

I ended up going out with Mark, much to Gary’s chagrin, but he reluctantly admitted that he preferred Mark to Sean or any of the other guys we knew.

Whenever anyone asked Mark or Gary why they hadn’t gone to college or university, they’d always reply that they were just taking a year off. I would be attending UCD with them  the Autumn after I’d been released from hospital.

The evening of the fourteenth of August rolled around, I was driving down a back road, and I had to swerve to avoid a cyclist. I panicked and lost control of my car, hitting a tree and being flung through the front window.

I done the most common thing for me to do: I lost consciousness, probably bleeding to death and ending my life.



Authors Note: I'm crying, I can't believe it's over! Why did I end it like that? I think it was because I was in a really bad mood and I was worrying a lot.

Sequel will be out on the fourteenth of August 2013! :)

Something that you guys probably didn't know about me is that I'm a huge fan of country music and I'm listening to and singing along with But You Know I Love You by Kenny Rogers! :P

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