Chapter 14

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It's been a week and my heat just ended and to say I'm sad would be an understatement.Not only will I not have an excuse to not move a muscle all day while Xavier fulfills everything I want I also won't have an excuse to be in Xavier's arms which was very comfortable.I slowly open my eyes and Xavier is in his usual position his arms wrapped around my waist while his head is rested on my breasts at first I wasn't able to sleep seeing as he was so close and the position at which he chose to sleep and I told him to stop sleeping on my boobs but he said "it's mine therefore I'll sleep on them as I seem fit now lay down before I make you" and that sentence alone had me crawling into bed trying to hide my grin from his view.I start rubbing my hands through Xavier's hair earning a growl from his as he snuggled deeper into my boobs soon I feel something hard on my stomach and it takes me a few seconds to realize what it is before I gasp and I'm blushing.Xavier who is now awake looks up at me through his curtain of messy bed hair giving him the most sexiest look.How do you look good when you wake up.He smirks up at me and groans as he crawls and starts kissing my neck and it takes everything in my Not to moan.

"Xavier..."I gasp and take a sharp intake of breath when he's nipping at my neck and grinding his little friend into me

"Mm hmm"he murmurs against my skin his voice vibrating throughout my body

I take a handful of his hair holding onto it for dear life.Then Xavier sniffs my neck and looks up at me.

"Your heat is over"he grins

"Yeah.." I said hesitantly

"Well I'm gonna mark you soon before it comes back next month"he said his voice coming out in husky vibrations

"Ok"I squeaked out while scurrying to the bathroom to go brush my teeth and I'm done and am bent over that sink to examine my teeth when Xavier walks in and spanks my behind earring a squeak from me and I leave the bathroom but not before Xavier pulls my hand back making me colliding into his chest

"Don't tempt me cause I'll fuck. You right here if you bend over like that again" he said huskily grinding his now growing erection into my behind .I thought why not play with him and grinding my behind into him before smirking over my shoulder and sashaying out from the bathroom closing the door before a growl erupted from Xavier's chest.

I was downstairs in seconds and it felt nice to be out of my room because for a week I have been in bed with Xavier while my food was brought upstairs and it was nice to finally see other people besides Xavier not that seeing Xavier everyday was a bad thing.
So I thought why not start off right and let my wolf run wild because she's been itching to get out.I made my way to the forest and hid behind a tree while taking off my clothes then shifted into my grey medium sized wolf that had white behind the ears.I ran through the forest at an incredible speed the wind feeling good as it went through my fur and after what felt like a long time I stopped to get a drink of water at the streams when I heard the branches crack behind me and I froze.Suddenly I am tackled by a humongous black wolf and the wolf pins me as a sign of dominance and when I look into the eyes I know exactly who it is and as if on cue Xavier gives me a wolffish grin before hopping off me and going behind a tree to change into his clothes that were rapped around. His leg.

"Shift" he said to me and I was about to when I realized that my clothes were all the way back at the tree by the house and I shook my wolf head.

"America"Xavier said his voice sounding stern I responded with a shake of my head and as if he finally understood me he took of his shirt to reveal his rock hard abs that I very much appreciated which led to a v line which peaked out of the sweatpants that hung dangerously low I was in a trance when Xavier spoke up taking me out of the interesting thoughts I was having.

"Take a picture it last longer"Xavier cockily said throwing the shirt in my direction which I caught with my mouth and went to a tree and shifted then put on the shirt Xavier gave me which was very loose and stopped right above my knees only then did I realize I didn't have a bra on or underwear but that will be temporary as I will be heading back now

"Ok Xavier lets go "I said as stepped out from behind the tree but was surprised to see Xavier wasn't there I went to the streams and swished my foot in it but was startled when I heard someone say boo which caused me to fall into the water I looked up to see. Xavier laughing so hard his face was turning red I was fuming and when I got out of the water the shirt I had which was now see through because of the water clung to me like a second skin leaving my full breasts on display and that made Xavier stand attention because his eyes turned a few shades darker.

"America your making it really hard not to carry out what I wanted to do this morning " Xavier said taking Long strides towards me and me matching his steps as I moved backwards until I hit a tree trunk.

"Xav-" I said not being able to finish what I was going to say when Xavier engulfed my mouth with his this kiss was filled with lust desire and admiration and soon he licked my bottom lip so I can grant him access which I didn't and payed for it abruptly when pinched my nipple earning a gasp from me for a split second wh ch he used to his advantage and enter my mouth his tongue exploring every inch of it one of his hands grabbing my behind while the other was grabbing my large breasts earring several moans from me.I snaked my hand into his hair causing a growl to erupt from his chest

"Mmmm America follow me you deserve a reward "Xavier said pulling away from the kiss to lead me back to the house my expectations high

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