Chapter 4

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I'm so happy I'm writing this book and it makes me even more happier that people are actually reading it.Thanks for trying my book out!

I woke up on something extremely soft. It felt like I was sleeping on a cloudand honestly fall asleep forever like this. I was about to go back to sleep when I felt a burning gaze on me. I opened my eyes to a slit and saw Xavier sitting in a chair right next to the bed staring at me. My eyes popped opened blowing my cover completely . Xavier switched his eyes over to the floor, his eyes widening.I sat up and looked around the room. It was beautiful!The floor had white carpet that matched the bed sheets that were white and gold. The trimmings of the mirror we're gold too it . It seems everything was put into little detail in this room. The door knob was gold to match everything else and from the looks of it everything in here is a elegant white or gold.

"Your awake." Xavier stated.

I nodded my head and started walking to the bathroom as his gaze followed me.I used the extra brush that was still in its packet siting on the counter.I began to brush my teeth and took a shower. I walked out from the shower to see Xavier gone.Good thing he wasn't here I didn't need him to see me naked .

Before changing into my black jeans, I slipped on a white t-shirt. I brushed the tangled mess that is my hair.I paused when I smelt smoke.As soon as I opened my bedroom door, I immeadiantly sprinted downstairs.I followed it to the kitchen where I saw Xavier helplessly trying to make eggs. I almost laughed but realized the smoke was getting thicker.I strolled into the kitchen with my arms crossed.I really tried my best to hide the small smile that was starting to come on my face.

"I tried making eggs for you but they kinda burnt "he trailed off looking back at the eggs.He had a pouty look on his face and it looked .......cute.

"It's okay you tried, I'll go make us some breakfast.You can go sit down over there " I suggested, while pointing to the bar stool.

At first he didn't like the fact he was being bossed around , but he eventually sat down. I turned back around and started bringing out all the ingredients for pancakes.I was well into three pancakes and realized I might need more batter.

"Hey Xavier do you know where he rest of the batter is" I asked.

My response was quietness

"Xavier?" I asked

I turned around to see him staring at me.His eyes changed from its usual warm hazel to golden meaning ....he is aroused.

"Uh Xavier?" I said waving my hand in his face but nothing.I poked his cheek sparks flying on my finger and he came back to earth smiling at me like I was the most majestic being he has ever seen.

"You know you have a really nice butt"he stated.

"thanks."I said blushing.

"Do you have any pancake batter left over?" almost stumbling over my words as I struggle to collect myself.


he stood up and went over to the pantry to grab another box of pancake batter.I smiled thankfully and he returned a smiled back as well.He made his way back to his bar stool and our his head on his hand watching me with keen eyes.I looked at him a little longer wondering why people painted him out to be some monster.I turned back around and began to make more pancakes. When I went to grab some milk from the fridge I turned back around three pancakes went down to one and I knew the culprit.

"Xavier"I gritted out turning on my heel to see him shoving a the second pancake in his mouth.

"Yes"he said innocently with a mouth full of panckae.

"Do you happen to know where the two other pancakes are"I asked

"Nope"he said licking his fingers and smirking as he has swallowed the pancake and was about to slip the third one in his mouth.

"Leave the kitchen. " I said sweatly moving to push him out.

"Fine I didn't want those anyway " he said playfully leaving through the door way with his pancakes in his hand.

I turned back around and rolled my eyes fighting the smile that was forming on my face.I finished making 12 pancakes and put them on the counter then made some eggs and was about to pour some orange juice when I saw something move in the corner of my eye.

"Xavier so help me if you steal another pancakes I'll throw the rest away"I warned not turning around. I heard a groan and retreating footsteps until they became distant.

I smiled to myself and poured the cups of orange juice.Then I placed the pancakes and eggs on the table as well as the bacon on the table.I stepped back and marveled at my handy work.

"Xavier the food is ready" I called over my shoulder and when I didn't hear anything I was about to call again when I saw Xavier sitting in the chair dishing out his food.Ofcourse he was this fast. I walked over and sat down
Xavier grabbed my plate and dished out three pancakes some,bacons and eggs.He placed my plate back on my table mat and took a bite out of the pancakes as Xavier simultaneously did.He groaned closing his eyes and leaning his head back.I stopped eating and looked at him clenching my thighs at how he looked because it looks like me was receiving...why am I thinking like this over a simple breakfast.I averted my eyes scared somehow he could hear what I was thinking about him.

"This is amazing "he sighed. His eyes were still closed and I took several glances at him while he looked so sexy.

"Thanks"I said digging in to distract myself from jumping him.

"I was on my second pancake and Xavier was almost finished with his seventh.

"Chill out you will choke!" I said amused.

"No it taste so good! "he said in between mouthfuls.

I tried to keep my laughter in before I busted out laughing and Xavier just watched me.

"What?"I said in between laughs.

"Your laugh is adorable."he said .


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