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We decided that we should both leave and so we put on our shoes and walked out. We started walking away and the memories replayed in my head making me blush and smile really hard.

I may not have had sex but I did have lots of fun and I loved every tiny detail and moment about it.

He walked me to my cabin and right when I walked to the porch a familiar cold breeze rushed over me. I shivered and looked around for him. I found him behind me.

“Cali are you here?” He asks. I almost forgot that he was blind. I turn around and grab one of his hands. “Cali?” He says his face looking up.

“It’s ok. It’s me Cali.” I say and he smiles. “What are you doing here? Do you have answers?”

“I know my name and age! My name is Audrey Hughes and I am an eight year old boy.” He smiles and shakes the hair away from his eyes. But it just covers it right after.

“Well that’s good Audrey! Do you know why you are all cut up? Do you know where you live?”

“I think I got into a street fight. But I don’t remember much… Cali?”


“You remember when you asked me if I was dead?”


“Well I think I am. I mean I swear I was in a street fight and got beat up by these teens. I remember losing my sight and going to the hospital. I think I died in that hospital that day. I was really beat up. Am I still?” He looks around but not right to me.

“Ya you're pretty bruised and cut. What do you need help with now? Why are you not crossed over?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Well Audrey Hughes you are a very handsome young man and belong in heaven with all of the angels. They will take care of you now. All you have to do is cross over.”

“Thank you Cali.” He says. Then he holds his hair from his eyes and I see light in them. “Goodbye.” He whispers and then disappears. I think he finally made his way to heaven. I cry tears of joy and walk inside. Once I get inside Kyleigh sees the tears and jumps to her feet and rushes over.

“Where’s John? What did he do? I’m gonna kick his fucking ass!” I laugh so hard and she looks at me confused.

“John is in his cabin. He didn’t do anything I was crying tears of joy because a ghost Audrey Hughes crossed over. With my help. He even said thank you.” She rolls her eyes and rolls onto the couch and continues watching sponge bob.

I walk to my room and once I get inside I plop down on my bed and pet Crusher. He starts purring and I lay my head down on his scrawny little tummy. I listen to his purr and close my eyes.

“If you two wouldn’t of fallen asleep do you think you would have had sex?” That thought runs through my head continuously and honestly I have no clue. I would of hoped we did although maybe not in a bush although it was a really pretty place. I love John and I really want it all at this point I mean we have been dating for about six months and I hope that it will happen soon. I mean touching and kissing just isn’t enough no more. Besides I don’t even know if he wants to have sex with me or not. “Are you willing to lose your virginity before marriage?” I sigh on this thought I mean I always wanted a tie-dye wedding and to have one of those veils. I think they are cool and meaning you are giving it to him. The one you are to wed with. “What are the chances of you getting pregnant if you even use protection?” I don’t know that one either. “Are you ready for kids?” Maybe I mean I can care for them and I have a lot of money saved up so I should be good. “Is John ready for a kid.” I think like crazy my thoughts all over the place. Is John ready? Will he leave me? Will he stay and help raise our child? Will he love me the same?

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