★Chapter : Five★

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Theme song for the book,
The Weekend : Wicked games.


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"You knocked."

Broad shoulders and a muscular torso faintly outlined his back that is facing us. His voice, his voice with just two words dominates the room, authorized and commanding without him having to look at us.

The smoke around him makes it hard to fully see him. He is like a shadow amidst the fog. A ghost to prying eyes. All I could see is his frame looking out through the glass window.

No one utters a word.

The man who holds all the authority in the room, fades out of his cloud and walks to his desk taking a seat. He glances at Midas then the other guy and the woman.

Until his eyes reach mine.

I cease breathing for a moment, stifling under his intense gaze, I mask it with a hard glare. His eyebrows naturally set in a mean arch facing downwards hiding part of his eyes. And the longer I refuse to look away the more evil he seems to look.

Tattoos litters his hands and parts of his face. Others creeped up his neck beckoning me to take a closer look. He screams Devil Reincarnate. Sprung from the serpent himself.

"Boss, Happy Birthday. The boys and I got you a little present from one of the casinos," Midas smirks as he pushes me to the ground. My knees painfully hitting the floor.

I bite my lip in an attempt to keep myself quiet. I know he wants me to look weak and fragile in front of his boss. Despite my pain I keep my face without emotion. I know I look quite the opposite of - weak.

"A woman? I don't need a woman as a gift, women flock to my door just so I could fuck them. What is so damn special about her?" His voice deep and even. Midas didn't nor did the other two, seem afraid of him. They only show him complete respect.

"She is strong-willed and stubborn. She needs to be humbled," I roll my eyes at his crude statement. Men like him feed off of fear and weakness. I on the other hand don't show fear on the outside even if it clawed at my insides, pleading with me to submit and not dig a hole for myself where there's no point of return.

He stands tall from behind his large desk walking to a stop in front of me. Moving a single finger he signals for me to stand. So I do, inches away from him.

I am tall a woman but he towers over me, if I had to guess I would say he is about 6'5. He seems even more dark and mysterious up close. With piercing blue/silver eyes that locked mine in a trance.

"(She is stubborn... I have something much better in mind)," He speaks in another language while his eyes drink in my appearance.

Holding up his glass of brown liquor he sips it, his gaze still never leaving mine. I couldn't help the moisture that developed in between my thighs. I are naturally drawn to men that are dominant. He is another level.

He brings the glass to my lips, "Drink!" He commands and I open my mouth and take in all that he offers me.

If he wants me drunk he has to do a lot more than a half glass.


Watching as the blonde beauty gulps every drop of my whiskey after which she licks her lips as she finishes. A smirk threatens my face. The vixen is a temptress.

She is playing with a Volcano that erupts at its own will. Her body language isn't showing that she fears me. Rather she seems intrigued, curious as to who I am.

The way she blatantly stares back at me tells me she is different. Trying to break her will only strengthen her will to resist.

Her body is fully filled out in the right places. I didn't have to see her ass, her hips told me she has one. A large one. Her chest isn't  anything to brag about but I found it sexy.

She didn't look like the other girls here. Nothing on her appears enhanced. Her slightly toned muscles in her arms and her strong calves in her legs tells me she at least works out. I wouldn't be surprised if she did some sort of fighting. Maybe she even knows self defense.

She is always in a self protected stance.

Having no knowledge of it yet, I mentally claim her as mine. She will never belong to anyone else. The greatest part is that she will willingly give herself to me.

"Blue give her a room. She will work with Kyra in the garage...she could help her with the cars," my order shocking Ronny, Midas and Blue.

I don't rape women, my father did it and I refuse to be anything that remotely resembled that swine. Plus there is no reason to force this beauty. Soon I will be in her dreams fucking her.

The little vixen will beg for me to fuck her.

"Blue you may leave and take her with you, Ronny...Midas stay," I command. Taking her hand she quickly leaves with my blonde girl.

After the doors close with their departure, I turn my attention to, two of my men. Who now bow their heads in respect before sitting down in the two chairs in front of my desk.

"Who is that Vixen?" Leaning back in my chair, I await their analysis on the girl.

Ronny speaks first, "She works at one of our casinos. Her name is Arden Dagwood and she's twenty. We caught her spying on us after we killed Drewo. We checked her background she's clean, only alive relative being a cancer riddled mother who is gonna kick the bucket any day now."

This information means that no one will be looking for her. So the police will not be involved. I control all the dirty cops, however there are still good ones who are not money hungry. They will not take to kindly to a kidnapping.

"Good. Is the preparation for my birthday party next week being taken care of? Some of the founding fathers will be there and everything has to go smoothly."

The Founding Fathers can destroy a country in a day if they wanted to. If they weren't pleased with a Mafia's family organization and work ethic, they could rip their empire from right under them, leaving them a joke for all to laugh at.

The members of that pack will become poor and homeless with no one to call family. In this life we believe family, blood or not, is everything.

Unfortunately for me, I am the Godson of the leader. Making me a fucking item to look at and scrutinize waiting to see if I fail. Falling from their graces would be the most disastrous thing for my family and I. Especially for my Godfather.

All of them want their lineage to be on top. That will only happen if my kingdom falls and crumples.

Under my hands that fuckery will never happen, I made a promise.


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