★Chapitre : Vingt-Huit★

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You will not know if you're compatible with a person unless you have had sex with them. Sex brings out the inner person inside.



Neither of us made an attempt to get out of the car when we reached the estate. I crossed my hands against my chest and pouted. My curiosity as to his mother weighed heavy on my mind.

When the silence came too thick I got out slamming the door of the car behind me. I sat on the front bumper of the vehicle. Nikolaos followed with a vexed expression on his face.

"You don't slam or mistreat anything that does not belong to you. People get dead for shit like that." He tried to touch my knee but I moved it away from his hand.

"What is wrong with you. You have been sour since we entered the gates. Are you freaking bipolar?" I looked at him and tsk my teeth.

Ironic he thinks I am the bipolar one.

"No, but you owe me a story behind the blue bird. And why is it the family symbol? I saw a statue of it in the meeting room the day of my initiation." I crossed my legs and watched him up and down. Assessing his body language. From what I could guess it was a bad story.

He sat next to me. "You want to know, fine. My mother was an artist. She was also part of a mafia family named Vitcenzo. They became extinct when their home was raided one night. My mother was the only survivor. They killed her family before her eyes then kept her. She was only sixteen. Apparently someone in the family betrayed them.

That's why I do not fuck with Loyalty.

Vito Demonte was the man who destroyed her life. And that motherfucker is my biological father, Astrid's as well. I was eight when she left that cunt. My mother was the strongest woman I had ever known.

Pablo was heir to his throne and their families were friends. He took us in. My mother only painted blue birds after that. It cleared her head. Kinda how what weed does for us. Painting was her weed. Anyway she died from a strange flu that slowly killed her body. The last bird she painted was the Pinyon Jay." I was pacing during his story. At the end I was breathing heavy.

I was angry. Vito Demonte. I heard that freaking name before and all I wanted was revenge. "Life is so fucking cruel." Pulling at my hair I sat next to him.

"Where is Vito Demonte now?" I asked making Niko stand up and come between my parted legs.

"He is the boss of one of the biggest mafia families. I never saw him after our escape. I have been planning my revenge but he recently became a Founding Father and it is against mafia law to attack his home." He hung his head.

"The rule is that you can't declare war at his home they never said out of his home." I said trailing my fingers down his stomach to his waist, my hands disappearing behind his back. He smirked. That evil sexy smirk he does and my core made its presents at the back of my consciousness.

"I love you."

"I know you do."

Hooking one leg around his waist I pulled him closer. My patience had run thin. The talk of murder was turning me on. Nikolaos smoothly dragged his hand up under my short skirt, positioning it on my hip.

He moved forward and captured my lips with his. He tasted of smoke and I hummed. I loved when he smoked and kissed me. I bit his lips and he opened for me. My tongue pushed pass his teeth to feel the inside of his mouth.

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