★Chapitre : Dix-sept★

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It's amazing how the innocent-looking type is the most violent and vicious of them all. It's all a trick against the mind to snare its prey.



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I have not slept a wink since I arrived in France. And now we are on our way to the Vitcenzo private airport. Sometimes, I forget how loaded they actually are. Hawke and Apollo also are riding with us which I appreciated.

He said that the mafia would be the last place he would have looked for me. However, for me, that would have been very different. It would have been the first.

Nikolaos holds my hand as I get out of the dark-colored jeep a medium-sized plane is parked in front of us. The whole port is filled with different sized planes all along its way.

"I'm so tired I could sleep for a year," Apollo blurts beside me and I  nod in agreement with him. Partying for twenty hours straight, only taking breaks to change clothes is very freaking tiresome.

When I go back home I think I'm doing just that. Sleep. My body protested for it. Yes, I'm young but my energy is entirely drained. Small bags develop under my eyes and I mentally curse Nikolaos.

Self-absorbed bastard.

Niko himself is sporting dark bags under his eyes as he sips his coffee. However, they are always dark. So nothing new there.

Looking at the cigarette between his lips reminds me that it's been a while since I smoked. I wait until he puts the coffee to his mouth to then slip it right through his black and white fingers.

He glares at me, "That..." he points to the tiny white cigarette between my lips, "...is very strong it will fuck you up, so give it here." Motioning for me to surrender it. All I do is blow the smoke back into his face.

Others would be scared to do such a thing. Probably the only reason I get away with it is that he drugged me and took me from my mom or maybe he's just in a good mood, "Nikolaos she can handle it. Saw her smoke Black Mist already and the chick didn't even flinch," Apollo snickers, still amazed to this day.

I can handle a joint. My dad is to thank for that, never seeing him once without a cigar in his mouth. The man only smoked those expensive-looking ones. Which now thinking about it, how the hell could he have afforded it?

My family never went hungry and I never wanted for anything. But the house we lived in was small. But I didn't give a fuck. My dad refused to send me to college and the excuse he used was not having enough money. Even after I made a very convincing debate about how I can work and pay my way, he refused still.

Oh, how I missed my bubble burster.

Another car drives up. Two men dressed in suits come out from the front, standing at attention for who ever it is to exist from the back.

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