★Chapitre : Onze★

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I really love the song on top.


Distractions are never an issue. His eyes are always fixed on what he wants. And by all means, he gets it.



She is already corrupted. Her soul just as dark as mine. Arden doesn't know it yet but she is. The last of her innocence in this world will go to me.

I am a beacon of darkness. Im drawn evil like a magnet. This time though my evil is drawn to Arden. My Evil.

She, however, is also drawn to me. Her darker side calls out to me to let it run rampant and make home as her only side. Where the word Goodwill no longer is in her vocabulary.

It only dawned on me when we almost kissed. The feeling alienated to me. Never have I felt anything but pure selfishness and lust for a female. But with Arden, I feel desire. Unpure, Possessive Desire.

I felt lust, happiness, anger, and sadness all at fucking once. A switch was flipped on when she said I have her loyalty. Thoughts of being tied down to just her makes my heart race in anticipation.

"So what's your plan towards Arden?" Phanes implores sitting in front of me. He is like a brother to me. And him asking me this means that he knows what is happening between Arden and I.

"My empire needs a Queen. Arden can be that Queen. She's strong, smart and fearless. She's everything I need. Our family will thrive with her at my side," I confess without even thinking about it. To me, its already a reality.

She already knows how to throw a punch. What she needs to learn is deep combat training. The discipline of a killing machine. An Assassin. She will become a weapon of destruction. I know who to call to make my imagination transpire.

"Yes she is strong and smart, but your gonna give up whoring around?" For Arden yes. I will. The whores here don't do anything for me and I hated using PALM-la so I used them.  

"She will soon join the family," is my conclusive say.

"Niko I know that look on your face, you better not be using her. Cause if she finds out you will have hell," I look up at him and inhale deeply before my irritation gets the better of me.

He's only looking out for me. Yet, he's entirely wrong about my intention towards Adren. She and I together will be unstoppable like Harley Quinn and The Joker.

"I don't use the ones I care about," I growl at him.


I open her bedroom door without knocking.

The room is empty. She probably is in the bathroom getting ready for breakfast. Im carrying her to see her mother today. Closing back the door I make my way to the nearest bathroom around.

The vague sound of the water running along with a bit of singing  comes through the door. She sings? She's good too.

I jiggle the knob a bit.

Thankfully the door is unlocked so I turn the knob and saunter right in.

Steam fills the air and her singing is no longer muffled. She has alot of talent stuck in her voice box. I decide to listen some more to her singing before I notified her that I'm here.

~Please wrap your drunken arms around me
  And I'll let you call me yours tonight,
   Cuz sightly broken is just what I need,
     And if you give me what I want then,
       I'll give you what you like.~

"If you don't come out of there now your gonna be late for breakfast," a scream comes from the shower and I laugh.


Her head pokes out of the shower curtain "Ok, message received," is her reply. I think that ass whooping did her fine because she never disrespected me again.

"And after - I am taking you to see your Mom."

I keep her mother on the estate. I had her brought here the morning of my failed interview with Arden.

The condition that I found her in was blood crawling even for me. She's looking better now. She has (24) hour, round the clock help.

Her cancer has gotten worse and all we can do now is make her comfortable. My top doctors can't even help her.

This world is a waste of  space. They make new devices every Monday morning but yet they do not know how the fuck to cure cancer or AIDs.

Breakfast is over and it's time for the reunion.

Adren and I are the last to leave. "Where is my mother Nikolaos?" Her head bowed. Striding up to her, I just hold my hand out for her hold and she takes it. That's my comfort to her in a sense.

We stroll out of the middle building and I get into one of the golf carts we use around the estate. She grips her thigh, a thing I recognized she does when she's nervous.

"W-wait where exactly is my mother?" Confusion laces in her voice. I just look at her and hold her hand back in mine.

"You'll see." A hint of worry is shown across her face.

Three minutes later we are walking through my own personal mini hospital. Arden is zoned out just allowing me to guide her to our destination.

We enter her mother's room a nurse blocking her body. Arden subconsciously squeezes my hand. Her attention locked on the image ahead.

"Sue please give us a minute," I communicate to the nurse and she swiftly takes her leave.

Arden's face is priceless.

She leaves my hand empty, running straight to her mother's. "Mom,oh my God... mom," She sobs in her neck. When she pulls back, tears are freely flowing down her face.

"Arden you're okay. I was so worried. You disappeared hunnie are you ok?" the awful feeling of guilty rises to my surface. I took Arden away from her very ill mother. Its inhumane but good will come from it.

Well, the word Good is a whole other meaning in my world.

I removed myself after that. Giving them privacy.

"Hey," Arden appears out of the room after a while. "Thanks for bringing her here...I meant what I said yesterday. You Have My Loyalty,"  her eyes wielding so much meaning when she proclaims her loyalty. I have no doubt she means every word.

"I know," A silent understanding is exchanged between us. One of respect for each other. "Arden you have mines as well. This is for life."



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