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Sorry guys, i havent updated in awhile. ive just been super depressed, so depressed i tried to commit suicide 3 times and i spent it in my room hidden away, but im starting to feel better thanks to an old friend who not only said he cared about me, but proved it (: <3

;Cant you see its not my fault? its just how ive been brought up..

;you dont need to be emerged in water, to feel like your drowning.

;how can someone so perfect, feel so insecure?

to scar her skin with cuts and burns and still want to hurt more.

;I cant remember what a good nights sleep is like..

i either sleep to much or dont sleep at all.

;because i could tell you a million things i hate about myself before i tell you a single thing i like about myself.

Selfharm/depressed/Dark poemsWhere stories live. Discover now