Chater 9: The First Sword [3]

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"What is all of this?"

Shen Zuobi began waking towards one of the stones emitting a strong amount of light.

[These are all different kinds of stones.]

"I know that. I meant what does all of them do."

The system immediately replied with a textbook answer. [The red stone is a health stone. Health stones indicated from the name will increase your health. The orange stone is a strength stone which increases strength. And just like the others the yellow stone is to increase speed. The green is for your intelligence. Blue is for your mana while the indigo is for your endurance. The violet stone is for your perception. The black one is for your charisma and the white one is for your dexterity.]

Shen Zuobi's mouth dropped and the only in his mind was, 'This is cheat. This is cheat. This is cheat.'

He almost couldn't ask his next question without stuttering. "How much will each stones give me."

[There is 3 sizes of each stones, small, medium, and big. The health stone and mana stones are different from the others because the small one gives 20 points in each and the medium gives 50. As for the big stones, they give you 100 points.

Now for the stones for your stats, the small gives 1, medium gives 3, and the big ones gives 10.]

Shen Zuobi couldn't resist the urge of standing still and immediately ran to the red ones and began biting on it.

That lead to a series of event. The first being that he realized he has no teeth. The second being that his gum began to hurt and the third being that he was rolling on the floor touching his gums.

"Mother of all hells. I thought I had teeth. [System] how in the world am I speaking?" Shen Zuobi stood up and wondered.

[You are special.] Shen Zuobi wanted to go up to the system and give it a punch to the face to show his anger at the answer that the system gave him.

Shen Zuobi calmed down and shrugged. Then he proceeded to ask his other question. "How do I consume these stones? My gums are hurting like hell right now."

[I never told you to eat it when I said consume. I just wanted you to take and consume the energy inside the stone, not the actual stone.]

Shen Zuobi was beginning to notice a pattern with the system so instead of yelling at it or getting mad, he just sighed and asked his next question.

"How do I consume the energy?" Shen Zuobi could guess what it was because if it was like any other light novel about reincarnation.

[You will need to set the stone down on your lap while being in a lotus position. You will then need to concentrate on the energy inside of the stone and try your best to project the direction of the energy flowing towards you.]

First thought that Shen Zuobi had after the system replied was that it was pretty simple but he had another thought. A worse one.

If he were to get to a good enough amount of mana to use the move correctly as there was a timer then he would take a long time since this was his first time doing it.

Even if he was to use the big ones, the difficulty will be raised and it will still take a long time to do it.

Shen Zuobi moved toward the mana stones and the closer he got, the bigger they got.

The big ones was bigger than him.

"I definitely need to go with the small ones." Shen Zuobi stayed at the small ones and began looking for the perfect stone. "[System] which stone would be the best to use?"

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