Chapter 1: Reincarnation [1]

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Things started getting weird from what Shen Zuobi could tell with his eyes.

At first he was in the dark space but later he saw a light and the light slowly grew stronger. After a while the light reached him and covered his whole body.

Questions started invading his head like, if he was in the book, if he was dead, if he was going to become the main character of the book, or if it was all a dream.

He didn't bother pinching himself to wake up since that could be regarded as a myth. The light after a while started retracting back to where it came from.

After it all disappeared a flash-bang like punch entered Shen Zuobi and he fell down.

Everything was hard to see other than the color white. The other senses worked on the other-hand.

He seemed to have exited the dark room and entered another.

Shen Zuobi tried to touch around to find out where he was but as he was doing so, he felt like his arms was getting shorter.

While his arms were getting shorter, his legs also did the same. They were getting shorter and shorter. Not only were they getting shorter but the circumference was also decreasing alongside it.

His eyes began losing sight although he already lost it from the flash-bang. His eyelids began automatically shutting themselves. Even though Shen Zuobi tried to keep them open, the effort was fruitless.

Everything else also began shrinking or in other cases already disappeared.

"What is going on?" Shen Zuobi was truly confused. If it was like everything other wuxia story then he should be in someone else's body right now. But instead he is losing his body parts along with his sight and now his taste which meant he couldn't speak anymore.

Changes kept happening to his body. The body he once knew as Shen Zuobi no longer existed and what replaced it was something indescribable both psychologically and physically.

Shen Zuobi felt a weird sensation of a shaking. The shaking was going back and forth in a endless repetition. After a while the shaking slowed down and Shen finally felt his new body begin to move without Shen Zuobi having to do it personally.

As he was moving with his new body, he kept bumping into things that all felt the same to one another.

After a while, Shen Zuobi was released from where he was and exit it but doing so, he also landed onto another place which was also completely mysterious.

Shen Zuobi wanted to go back to where he came from in case there was danger up ahead but other things pushed him forward not allowing him the chance to stop and with fruitless efforts, try to re-enter where he came from.

He cursed in his mind as he couldn't speak anymore. The pushing later stopped and Shen Zuobi began floating around with his new body without anything touching and pushing him.

The feeling all around was weird as if Shen Zuobi was swimming but without the ability to control himself.

Once in a while, Shen Zuobi would bump into the other things. This happened not quite as frequent as time went by but just as the rain was slowly disappearing, it seemed like thunder and lightning showed up as Shen Zuobi felt his body entering something else.

Shen Zuobi floated for just a little bit longer before stopping and remaining in the same spot.

'Where am I? What in the world is going on? This is nothing like what happened in the book.' Shen Zuobi was confused but strangely he wasn't scared. If he still had a human body then he would be shimmering of all the confidence and composure he was feeling at the moment.

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