Chapter 17: Fields [2]

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"So I was given a [Gnome's Heart] but how do I take it out?"

[Your inventory. Did you already forget?]

Shen Zuobi made a palm with his lefthand and a fist with his right and smacked the fist down onto the palm as if a lightbulb just lit up.

He opened the inventory and he saw the Gnome's Heart. It looked like a blue egg with white leaves wrapped around it and pink flowers growing all over the top. It was the size of a chicken egg but that was expected because after all it was from a Gnome.

He clicked on it and a screen appeared showing him all the information he needed to know about the heart. He smiled and closed the inventory. Although this item was important, it wasn't needed at the moment.

Shen Zuobi stood up from his crib and jumped out. He looked around the room and after a while he decided that it was safe for him to exercise without having to worry about people freaking out after seeing a baby do something as crazy as exercise after only a single day after birth.

He did all of the exercise that didn't require a large amount of space in his room and decided to leave the mansion to finish up. Before he did so, he looked in the store to see if there was any spells or anything that would make it seem like he was still sleeping in his crib while in reality he would actually be outside doing exercise.

"[Open Shop]"

Then he proceeded to opening up the skills section and began looking for anything that would satisfy his need. Then he saw it.

[Shadow Clone:

Information: Ninja Arts
Effect: Activated after doing specific hand signs. When activated, a clone of you pops out of nowhere and it can't be detected by anyone below Mortal Knight.
Mana Usage: 20

Price: 20 Shopping Points [Confirm]]

"This is very suspicious. It almost seems like it's a ripoff or a copy of something from this really popular anime but I just can't put my finger on it."

Shen Zuobi clicked the confirm button and smiled. He now had a Ninja Art that he could use to escape this mansion. It was a very important skill to learn because it wasn't just important for this situation but probably for a lot more in the future.

"I only have [15 Shopping Points] left. I could buy another skill. Might be smart for me to learn some attack skills or spells or something."

Closing the Shadow Clone tab, he continued searching for a strong and cheap attack skill. He looked for 15 minutes before finding the perfect one.

[Finger Dragon:

Information: Sword Arts, AoE (25 meter)
Effect: A very powerful attack which doesn't require any weapon but it can be combined with a sword to increase the damage.
Mana Usage: 45
Cooldown: 1 minute
Damage: 50 per second (+120 with sword)
Duration: 10 seconds

Price: 15 Shopping Points [Confirm]]

This attack seemed very powerful but it was only worth 15 Shopping Points because of the cooldown. If he failed to kill every single one of his enemies then he would be in a grave situation but he wasn't worried because he had a certain servant which could use a certain weapon called the Divine Light.

He confirmed it then he opened his menu so he could see how it changed since the last time he opened it.

[Name: Shen Zuobi
Level: 1
Cultivation Level: Mortal Non-Rank (Every 5 Level is 1 Cultivation Level)
Hit Point: 345 Mana Point: 240

State: Infant
Hunger: 52%
Fatigue: 4%

Strength: 17 Speed: 24
Intelligence: 39 Endurance: 25
Willpower: 24 Perception: 23
Charisma: 10 Luck: 77
Dexterity : 22 Spiritual: 4

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