Chapter 16: Fields [1]

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"What do you mean he's not at all what you expected?," one of the villagers said with a confused look on her face.

Eli was silent for a little bit before replying to the villager, "Elizabeth told us that he would be useless but I don't think so. He has the potential to become this world's god."

"Don't call her by her real name, she created you and everyone else here." The villagers all began seeking at once. Eli couldn't do anything other than wait until everyone quieted down.

It took quite a while but slowly the villagers shut their mouth so they could hear the rest of what Eli had to say.

"So as I was saying, Elizabeth told me that Shen Zuobi would definitely fail this world but despite only sparring with me for a few round, he's getting more used to battle."

"That's very good for all of us but once again Eli, why the hell are you calling them by their real name?," the mayor of the small town asked Eli.

"It's not my fault! I was built like this! Oh my god you guys are making me frustrated." Eli turned around and entered the forest disappearing from the townspeople.

"You're overreacting Eli! Don't make me drag you back here!" A man with the same outfit as Eli yelled as he walked into the forest.

Meanwhile as everything was happening in his spirit world, Shen Zuobi was sitting on his bed collecting his quest reward.

He pressed confirm and was automatically given 5 Undistributed Points, Gnome's Heart, and 10 EXP.

The notification bell dinged and a screen popped up in front of him.

[Congratulations. You are now level 1.

Rewards: 2 Undistributed Points, 20 Hit Points, 20 Mana Points]

Shen Zuobi noticed that he was given 2 Undistributed Points as his reward for leveling up.

"What is the reward system for leveling up?"

[Every time you level up, you gain a squared amount of [Undistributed Points] as before and every 5 levels, you will receive a random item.

Each item given will be better than the previous one given. By the time you're level 50, you will be given weapons capable of killing monsters straight from hell.]

"Hell?" Shen Zuobi didn't except that he would be able to kill demons so early on.

"Anyway, [System] how do I distribute my points. Last time I checked, there is no button that says plus or add in the menu."

[You just have to say add blank points to blank.]

"Oh okay. [Add 7 points to Luck]. [Open Menu]."

[Name: Shen Zuobi
Level: 1
Cultivation Level: Mortal Non-Rank (Every 5 Level is 1 Cultivation Level)
Hit Point: 345 Mana Point: 240

State: Infant
Hunger: 37%
Fatigue: 0%

Strength: 17 Speed: 24
Intelligence: 39 Endurance: 25
Willpower: 24 Perception: 23
Charisma: 10 Luck: 77
Dexterity : 22 Spiritual: 4

Undistributed Points: 0

Attack: 17 Attack Rate: 22
Defense: 0 Defense Effect: -0 Damage

Shen is a reincarnated human who accidentally got sucked into the world of Egaroth due to a magical book he was reading back on Earth.]

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