Chapter 2: Reincarnation [2]

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'It's time to meet my newly fresh and ripe family members. Hah! Dad jokes. Wow I'm feeling old even though I'm an infant right now.'

Shen Zuobi felt an increasing amount of movement every second. He didn't mean to but without any choice, he accidentally overheard heard a conversation between his new mother and whoever was guiding her through child labor, most likely the doctor.

"You're almost there Mistress Shen." Shen Zuobi heard the doctor speaking to his mother and was in a little bit of shock at the time. It was mostly consisted of respected but it also had fear as its side-dish.

'Wow! Shocking. She has my family name as well. This is really convenient. I hope they keep my name the same. Just like I said before, shocking. Okay now here I come world.'

Although Shen Zuobi was shocked at first in the beginning, he was getting used to all of the surprises that whatever or whoever brought him to this world was giving him so he almost naturally got over it after a few stream of surprise blowing into his face. It was like Shen Zuobi never heard it in the first place.

Shen Zuobi was getting so adapted to surprises that when he heard the other person refer to his mom as mistress, all he thought was, 'Cool.'

For some random reason Shen Zuobi felt like he knew that it was time. His heart for another random reason felt like weights were being lifted off slowly until his heart was completely free and weightless.

Shen  Zuobi thought that he would be nervous to be born again except this time he would be aware of it but instead it was as if all the nervousness in his body has turned into excitement.

The time has officially came. The man speaking to his mother has successfully guided and helped Shen Zuobi's mother give birth to her newborn baby.

Shen Zuobi knew that he was out of the womb because he felt many times lighter and he could smell the air unlike when he was back in the womb.

He was being carried by a man and a few moment later he was passed onto another person. Her arms and the size of her hand indicated that it was a female person that Shen Zuobi was currently being held by.

"Oh thank the heavens. Thank you gods up above for giving my sister such a healthy looking child." Shen Zuobi heard another voice which clearly belonged to his aunt from the way she was talking and her clearly saying the word 'sister'.

Her voice sounded younger than his mother so it meant two things. She was either lower in the ranking of whatever the Shen family was. This was concluded from her mother being called a mistress. Or she was in a higher rank than her older sister which could be due to her intelligence, cheap plays, or taking advantage of something that's important to Shen Zuobi's mother..

If it was the first one then Shen Zuobi would either let her live or die depending on if she has any plans to backstab his mother and father in order to become a higher rank in the family immediately after he gained the strength to do so.

If it was the second one then Shen Zuobi would have limited choice because if his aunt was killed then his mother or father would be accused due to work of cliches in novels. In order to overcome that would mean to find another person and set him or her up to make it seem like the death was caused by him or her.

'Then if I find out that my mother is still accused then I will... oh my goodness, I'm thinking far ahead into the future. I have never done this before. Is it because of my new genes inherited.

I am way too kind. Whoever this kid is... or was supposed to become, I think it would definitely be someone of high power that took care of everyone around him.

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