Chapter 26- year later

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Kate's POV

It's been a full year since everything happened, i have fully recovered for everything that happened. In the year that's passed me and Derek got married. Along side Lee and Leanna, who also are expecting twins any minute now. I can't wait to meet them, I hope they look just like me and Lee did as babies.

As for myself let's just say I was in no rush for children yet, I was now studying my new powers, I had gained since become queen. Which just happened to be a fair few, I could use the elements along side healing others.

Everything between the packs was running smoothly, the new rules which I had order had worked wonders. Packs from all over was now coming together, no longer fighter against each other.

The werewolf community was now as it should of been from the start, alphas going easier on pack members. As for the pack members, their knew they place and knew any wrong doing would lead to the cells. Each person now had to learn control of the emotions, learn that doing wrong to other will not be treated lightly.

The werewolf laws had changes for the best, those who broke them would deal with their alpha and their king.

Anyways back to here and now my father found his second chance mate. She's the most wonderful step mother me and Lee could ask for, little did we know my father still had it in him. Their expecting a baby in a few months time, we are hoping it's not twins. But my father finally been happy is the best thing in the world, his second chance mate is the best thing to happen to him. Me and Lee couldn't be more happier for them, we even asked her if we could call her our. She ending up crying but saying yes anyways.

"Hey princess, have you seen the papers for the meetings" Derek asks walking into our room, god his voice send shivers down my spine.

"Have you tried the safe" I say while turning around to face my wonderful husband.

"No I didn't think of that thanks babe" he says kissing my check before walking back out. His always busy with meetings and making sure the packs are been run in the right way, meeting the alphas every few weeks like the great king he is.

God that man is going to be the death of me, everyday our bond is still as strong as it was from day one. Yet the love between us only grows more each day, he is my everything, my whole world.

Yet what was unknown to us both was how much we would fall in love, how far we would both come in life. We will never know what life holds for all of us, nor will we know where we will end up. Yet what we do know is as long as were together that's all that matters.

Each day we will always face the unknown, yet each day we will always get through it as together we have each other. What more we have loving family and friends behind us, so whatever life throws our where we will get by.

I know for sure that over the last year I've learned not to trust easily, yet not everyone is the same. As someone once told me keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

All that's left for us to do now is live a happily ever after, live our dream life's and do whatever makes us happy in life.

Unknown to us all our enemies could be out there somewhere, yet they could be so close to us. Hell what's more our enemies could even be our own best friends, even our own family so just be careful who you trust.

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