Chapter 7-wondering

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Kate's POV

I woke up feeling haze at first forgetting that I had stayed the night at Leanne's, I wondered if the other two girls was awake yet. Looking at the clock on my phone, I realised that is 6am. Remembering I had school to get to, I hurried around getting a shower and changed.

As I make my way down to the kitchen, the girls along with Derek and my brother were sitting at the table.

"Hey guys" I say taking some toast and buttering it.

"Hey Kate, sleep well" Derek asked while drinking his coffee.

"Great thanks" I say finishing up my breakfast, before pulling my brother by the collar and grabbing him out with me.

"See you girls at school" I shout as I close the door and going over to my brothers car.

We drove to school in silence, not once did my brother look my way or say a word, I sighed knowing if I wanted to know anything I'd have to ask. I wanted to know where he was still there this morning, I was also wondering why he sitting so close to one of my best friends.

"Go on say something" my brother says bringing me out my thoughts.

"Ok I will, why was you and Leanne so close this morning, like lovey Dover shit. I mean I know she is my best friend but seriously Lee why" I say looking at home as he parks the car in the school parking lot.

"Kate, there is a lot of things you don't know, but as for me and Leanne I like her a lot. I mean she is a great girl and when I'm with her, she makes me feel like a different person" I nod my head as I was happy for him but it was to soon to know where they may end up.

"Ok, also I was wondering why you was with Derek last night, I mean he seems like a good guy and all, he just comes across as someone you wouldn't normal be around" I show I look in his eyes as if he wanted to say something but it was done with seconds, what is with everyone and not telling me things.

I wondered what it is that everyone is keeping from me, I mean first was this connection between the yellow eyes and how I felt about Derek. Now it's my brother with Leanne and being around Derek, I mean what on earth is going on.

To top everything of I couldn't help but wonder what Lee meant by there is a lot of things I didn't know, I mean what else did I need to know. I know I have feeling towards Derek, when ever I'm around him I can't help butterflies in my stomach. I felt like he was the only one around and what more like he was the only one for me.

The school day went by as quickly as it started, I was in my room doing some stupid maths homework. My parents were both still out of town, so I had the full Mansion to myself.

I was just finishing my homework my phone started ringing, when I saw who it was I couldn't help but smile. Walking over to my balcony I open up the door and stand at the end of it looking out into the distance.

"Hey" I say into the phone smiling to myself.

"Hey beautiful, so how was your day?" Derek asks myself, I could hear the smirk in his voice as he spoke, which is funny because the only time I see him smile is around me.

"Great, yours"

"Not bad, although it would be a lot better if you let me take you out to dinner" I smiled at his words, loving the sound of his voices.

"Are you asking me out on a date mr" I bit my lip hoping and preying I was indeed correct.

"Maybe I am, so will you" I couldn't help but jump around silently screaming with joy In my mind.

"Why I would love to, tomorrow after school, say pick me up at 7pm" I say before ending the call on him.

My heart was pounding with joy as I danced around my room, I had my very first date and what made it more special it was with Derek. I only hoped that the date would go well, that things between us could become more than just friends.

I wondered where he would be taking me, would I like it or would I hate it. Yet I don't think I could hate it due to just been with him made my day, which is more than enough if you ask myself.

Climbing in bed with a smile on my face, I slowly let my eyes shut and wonder what tomorrow would bring, before darkest took over and pulled my under.

Derek's POV

I was more than happy Kate had agreed to go on a date with myself, having good eye sight I could see her jumping around her room with joy. I could hear it in her voice, she felt the same as I did.

After doing my research on what Lee told me yesterday, I now realise I am the only one who will ever control her wolf. She needs me just as much as I need her, although she doesn't know just yet but she does.

Her wolf is known from her royalty, she was born a queen. Yet has never found a human who can control her, all the humans she finds die trying to keep her in tack. I have learned that as long as I am with her after we have mated, I can keep her calm and help her learn control of her wolf. As her wolf is stronger than her human form, she has to learn to become one with her wolf. Meaning she as to balance the two, with my help we can do it.

After all I am her mate and she is mine.

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