Chapter 5- Why

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Kate's POV

Feeling my way through the darkness
Guided by a beating heart
I can't tell where the journey will end
But I know where to start
They tell me I'm too young to understand
They say I'm caught up in a dream
Well life will pass me by if I don't open up my eyes
Well that's fine by me.

That was the song of my alarm I woke up to this morning, I couldn't help wonder what today would bring. After Derek's party the other night I haven't done much, I've spent the whole weekend watching Netflix and eating junk food. Wondering when I will next see Derek and how things would go between us.

After a long hot shower I pick out my outfit for the day, I chose a pair of black denim shorts with a white tank top. As for shoe's I pick out some white Dimond stud sandals, along with my heart locket necklace and to finish of some hoop earrings.

Picking up my favourite black purse and sunglasses, along with my house keys I make my way downstairs. As I enter the kitchen I see my mother had made me pancakes, with a glass of milk leaving a note saying there won't be home tonight. Lee must of also left by the looks of things, as his car wasn't in the drive way.

Making my way towards the school doors, I notice Zara and Leanne waiting for me by the doors.

"Hey girl, how's u" Leanne asked

"Not bad, you two" I say giving them both a hug and walking towards our lockers.

"We're great, by the way we was wondering if you'd like to come over tonight" Zara asked while grabbing her things out of her locker.

"Sure, my parents are both out tonight so should be fine" I say just as bell rings signalling that it was time for class.

I walk through the corridors towards first period, which just happens to be English. God how I hate English so much, to top it off our teacher was a nasty piece of work. When I enter the class room I couldn't help but notice who was sitting on the back row, next to the seat where I myself sit.

Yep it was no other than Derek, when he saw me his face lit up like it was Christmas. I walk over and take my sit before looking over at Derek as to confused why he was here, if I remember likely I hadn't seen him in here before so why now.

"Well, well look who it" he says trying to play cool.

"It should be me saying that to you, I think you must be lost" I say with a smile knowing he knew what I meant.

"Nop, sweet chick I'm in the right place" he says having a known smirk.

I just give him a smile and turn my attention towards the teacher as the lesson start, that is how the rest of day went by. Derek would always end up in any lesson I had, the only time I didn't see him is at lunch.

"Hey girl ready to head over to Leanne's for night" Zara asks as I walk to my locker.

"Sure, hey can I ask you something"  I knew Zara would probably know the answer, as to why Derek was all of a sudden in all my classes. After all I was in top class for everything but gym.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Why is Derek in all my lessons all of a sudden?, I mean it's not like I care or anything but I've just never seen him before in any of them" she gives my a knowing look before sighing to herself.

"Derek is a clever guy I guess they most of got his time sheet wrong" was all she said before we head out to her car.

It's been a few hours now and we are at Leanne's currently watching movies. That was until Zara said we should play a game of 21 one question, at this point Derek had to walk in along with my twin brother.

"Mate" was all I heard from Leanne until she tried covering it by saying "check mate". Although I couldn't help but notice my brother looking at her, like she was the only girl in the world.

"Hey guys we was just about to play 21 questions, wanna join" Zara says trying to get everyone attention.

"Sure" we all say coming back to reality.

We all take turns in answering questions about ourselves, for hours on end we sat around just getting to know each other better. Well In mine and Lees case us getting to know them better.

"Hey Kate, what would be your dream date" Leanne asked me, come to think of it what would be my dream date.

"I honestly don't know, probably a romantic meal for two, followed by a walk on the beach." To be honest I didn't really know what to say, but I was happy with what ever.

"Leanne what did you mean when you said mate" I asked not knowing if I was going to like the answer or not.

"You don't have to answer it if you don't want to" Lee says

"No it's fine, a mate is like your soulmate, it's your over half. A mate is your destiny, someone who your meant to be with for life" she say before turning around and walking away.

"I think I should go after her" lee says.

"Well that was weird, look I think I'm going to call it a night" I say as I stand to make my way toward the guess bedroom, which Leanne said I could stay in.

Once in the room I lay down in bed pulling the covers over me, thinking back at what has happened since we have moved here. Although I have made a some great friends, I couldn't help but miss my old town. Back there is wasn't as complicated, I didn't have to think about guys or anything else. Here all I could think about was those yellow eyes and Derek, yet I still don't understand why both play on my mind. It's like my body craves to be with them, to be held in Derek arms, to stare into those yellow eyes. Why though I had no idea, that was the only question on my mind why?.

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