chapter 24- wheres zara

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Kate's POV

Heading back inside towards Derek office with one thing on my mind, I had to find out where Zara is and why she hadn't been around in a while. Thinking back on things now it's all starting to add up, Zara not been around much. Always making excuses up whenever Leanne or I would invite her over, now it all makes perfect scene as to why.

"why did you do it" I hear my brother voice shout from down the hall.

"what are you talking about, do what" Derek shouts back at him, great just what i need them to at each others throats.

Walking into the office I see my brother and mate face to face, both looking ready to kill one on other. Stepping in between them both I place both my hands on their chest sighing to myself, this is going to be along arse day.

"what on earth is going on in here?" I shout out at them both, while looking back and forth at each of them in the eyes.

"He had our mother killed, did you know that" Lee shouts out while growling as his wolf fights for control. Turning to Derek I point to the door telling him to go as I would handle this, he gives me a kiss on the forehead before walking out of his office. No doubt he will probable go for a run, as no alpha male let alone king would stand for the way Lee is been now. The only reason Derek would of held back is because of myself, as he knows its been hard on me already dealing with whats gone on.

"Lee sit down and calm your arse now" I say using my Luna voice, he does as I ask him to do so, all the while his eye of his wolf.

"Leon stand down NOW" I order Lees wolf to stand down, showing my royal wolf eyes of my own.

"Did you know?" was all he asked as he calmed his wolf.

"yes but its not what you think, he wasn't the one who killed her" I say looking out the window.

"I killed her Lee and it hurts so much, even after what she did I STILL LOVED HER. WHY, WHY WOULD I STILL LOVE SOMEONE WHO DIDN'T EVEN CARE. GOD SHE WAS MEANT TO BE OUR MOTHER LEE,WHY, WHY DID SHE DO THIS TO US" I broke down shouting and crying  in front of my twin brother, making him take me in his arms rocking me back and forth.

"shush, its going to be OK Kate, we will get through this together" he sat holding me in his arms for how long I don't know, yet the thought of Zara soon forgotten in my break down.

"Zara,Zara is the one who helped her, mother told me just before you know" I say looking of into space.

A few hours went by as me and Lee just sat in Derek's office just taking about random things, how we would always play pranks on our father or always cause trouble in school. I had kinda missed spending time like this, I guess when things get busy we forget about whats important the most.

"Lee we have to find Zara, I need to know why and if she is working with anyone else." I say to my brother as we are both about to leave.

"Don't worry sis, I will get right on it. yet nobody has seen her in for a few months now, if i remember likely it was the night after we got you back." Lee says as he walks me to my room, i nod my head before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Walking into my room Derek is still no where to be seen, so I Grab my things from the closet and walk towards the bathroom. Switching the shower on I strip down before stepping in to the warm welcoming water, letting the water run down my body as it washing today's dirty away.

After my shower I dry myself before walking out the bathroom, as I walk out i see something out the corner of my eyes. Looking over to my left i see no over then Zara, she looked just like she always had. My heart was racing as I didn't no what to expect, I didn't dare make a move in her hand she held a gun.

"What are you doing here?"

"I see you worked it out after all this time, what didn't think I would find out. You should know me by now Kate, I have eyes and ears everywhere"

"Why are you doing this? you was meant to be my best friend so why?" I say, while mind linking Lee and Derek at the same time.

"They didn't tell you did their" she says while laughing, I just shock my head no.

"Take a closer look honey, as I am the one and only." that's when it hit me Zara is Patrick's sister, she moved packs just before we did. Yet she didn't go by Zara, she went by Hannah.

"Hannah but why, you always said you hated your brother, how he was always the good one. so why?" I say shocked that Zara is actually Hannah.

Just then Derek, Lee and a few other come running in to the bedroom, Hannah pulls the trigger as she sees them turn running towards her. Hearing the shot been fired as their all rush towards Hannah, I didn't know who had been shot until I felt my myself falling to the ground, pain shooting through my lower body. The bullet had hit me in the stomach, I felt nothing but cold as the silver worked its way into my blood stream.

All I could hear was people shouting my name, yet I couldn't see nothing as everything around me become blank. Darkness was taking me in and fast, soon I couldn't hear nothing darkness had taken me and pulled me in. Leaving me with nothing but black walls and the feeling of emptiness.

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