A Dose of Reality

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Prince Harry likes competition. Growing up, he's obviously the more competitive one between himself and his brother. However, he seemed to dislike competition when it came to Isabella Clarke.

The snow in the French Alps made a slushing sound as the group walked towards the ski area. Prince Harry held his and Isabella's skis seeing how the woman struggled walking in the snow. "This is why I don't want to go here." He heard the doctor grumble as she pulled her foot out of a deep hole it had gotten stuck in and the prince chuckled. "Don't laugh."

"I'm not." He defended giving her a grin. "Come on. I'm getting excited to teach you." He continued making Isabella groan.

"Oh don't be such a fucking pussy." Genevieve Williamson snapped trudging past Isabella, her skis almost hitting the doctor. "Oops."

"Oh my-!" Isabella shrieked as she lost her balance and started falling forward but she's quickly steadied by a hand on her arm. She turned and saw Henry Cavill giving her a smile. "Thank you, Superman." She thanked smiling at the actor who didn't say anything back but instead just turned to walk towards Abigail Simons who's having the same problems as the doctor.

The doctor frowned but continued her way towards Harry who had an unreadable expression on his face.

"That was weird." Isabella Clarke commented to Harry referring to Henry.

Genevieve Williamson just scoffed. "Always naive." But it was too low for her Isabella to hear. However, she noticed the stare Prince Harry gave her.

Isabella Clarke had never liked the snow. Sure, she loved summer, spring, and fall; but, as cliché as it sounds, she hated the winter. Just like the fictional character who had the same name as her, she is never good with anything that makes her foot coordination suffer- and she hated that.

"Ok." She breathed out deeply, her feet are hips apart shakily while Harry held her waist firmly. "Ok." She mumbled again.

Prince Harry laughed, "For someone who's all for adrenaline rushes, you sure do suck at this." And she glared back at him in return making the prince give back an innocent smile. "So, should I let you go now?"

Isabella Clarke gulped, "Tell me what I should do again."

"Oh babe." Harry laughed louder this time before leaning in and kissing the top of his girlfriend's head. "You only need to know how to stop. Just make a letter A with your skis; that should help."

And she nodded breathing in deeply before looking at the slope before her. No, they're not that high. Actually, they're not even at the half of the ski slope yet, for the doctor, it was too high for her liking. "Aren't we too high up?"

"I'll be right at the bottom before you, sweetheart." Harry assured and the doctor nodded, gulping. "Ok. Ready?"


And softly, he released her waist, giving her a slight push. "Don't shut your eyes!" he called laughing when he saw Isabella Clarke shut her eyes as she started sliding down the slope without his guidance. He pushed himself and he slid down the slope fast- passing by Isabella Clarke who's frightfully staring at the snow before her. "I'll see you at the bottom, love." He called as he passed by her. "Keep your ski straight so you go faster!"

Shakily, Isabella did as she was told and adjusted her feet and her speed visibly picked up. She gulped and quickly tried to slightly slant her ski once again but the speed she had gained from the action made it hard- impossible. "Jesus Christ." She breathed out looking ahead in panic.

A few kilometers from her at the bottom, she can see Harry standing, unaware of her dilemma. "Holy mother-" she mumbled trying to slow herself down but couldn't. "I can't stop!" she yelled and Harry arched his eyebrows.

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