State of Calamity

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It is a feeling of being trapped, all the while being terrified.

All Harry wanted to do was go to Isabella Clarke as soon as he landed back in London; but, seeing that Catherine, Princess of Wales, had taken his keys to Isabella's house, he's forced to go to Clarence House where the Cambridges now reside. He bit his bottom lip anxiously, his heart beating rapidly inside his chest as his hands started getting filled with cold sweat while William and Kate stared him down.

"Why did you do it?" William asked and Harry looked up at him. "Did you two do anything else apart from the beach?"

"What? No!" The ginger quickly responded but he couldn't look at William nor Catherine as his heart thudded inside his chest. No. "I can't do that to her."

But William can sense the trouble in his brother. The guilt and uncertainty in his eyes and so he took a glance at his wife, who's staring daggers at his brother, before saying, "Catherine, can I have a moment with Harry?"

Still feeling disappointed with Harry, Kate nodded before leaving the brothers.

Harry watched as Catherine left the room, nervously drumming his fingers on his lap. "What do you want, Will?" he asked as soon as the door closed.

"Tell me." William said simply, leaning back and eyeing Harry seriously. "Did you two do anything else?"

The two stared at each other for a few seconds before Harry looked away and shook his head. "No." he said quickly licking his suddenly dry bottom lip. "We did not."

"Harry." William said sensing the lie.

Harry sighed. He couldn't admit it. He didn't want to admit it. He didn't want to admit the mistake. "I.." he breathed in deeply. "I was too drunk." He whispered under his breath, each word stabbing him.

In the silent room, William heard his brother's whisper and his mouth fell open. He wanted to yell at his brother- to shout at him and curse him but he couldn't. He feared that Kate would hear and would cause a scene with Harry- especially because her visit at Isabella Clarke's made her terribly disappointed with the ginger. "You do know Catherine was there a while ago?" he asked and Harry nodded. "She's not going to take this well, Harry."

Harry's breath hitched, No. I can't. "I can't tell her, William. She cannot know."

The Prince of Wales shook his head at his brother. "It's a massive mistake, Harry."

"It is! Which is why she cannot know!"

"That's not a reason!" William said, his voice rising. "She deserves to know." He said lowering his voice. "She doesn't deserve being fooled like this."

But Harry couldn't. Harry wanted to cry and scream and the guilt is eating him up whole. But with all of his emotions, the fear of losing Isabella Clarke is the worst. And so, he looked at his brother before shaking his head. No. I can't do it. He thought.

William sighed, "You do know what she's going through, right?"

"I know."

"Then why?"

"It was an accident!"

"You ditched her and slept with your ex!" William finally roared. "That's not an accident!"

Both became quiet after William's outburst. Harry knew what William wanted him to do and he knew what the truth can cost him. What William wanted is the right thing to do. I fucked up. He thought as his hands curled into a ball. "She will leave me." He said completely broken at the reality. "I will lose her."

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