Author's Rant

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Okay, so it has been more than a year since I finished this story, but unfortunately, this isn't an update. 

Firstly, I'd like to thank those who have supported this story, and to those who are still reading - I fully appreciate it as without you, I wouldn't have finished this book in the first place. However, there has been something that has continued to nag at me since completing Zeus, following onto the completion of Hercules

Now, I know that many of you were probably shocked with the ending that I chose for Zeus, however, whilst many expressed their confusion, others were simply rude.


I'd like to make it clear that I purposely wrote Anya's death, because - as I've stated many times before - it leads to the opening of Hercules

However, this isn't the purpose of my rant. 

Following the announcement of Hercules being written, I've had multiple comments expressing their disapproval of 'the rapist getting a book about himself'. Now, I know Hercules' character - I invented him - and I knew that some people probably wouldn't like to read an entire book following his story, as some have stated. Which is fair enough; I'm not forcing you to read my story. But to be honest, as stupid as it sounds, some of the comments I received have actually made me question whether to keep posting my work on wattpad or not. 

Yet, I'd like to remind people; I'm the author

Don't get me wrong - I do like reading people's opinions, whether I reply to them or not, and I appreciate the fact that people are still reading Zeus (despite the fact that it needs to be edited). However, I'm tired of people being rude. Feel free to state your opinion - without being rude; there's no need. And I'm not just talking about my work - I mean any author who has been kind enough to post their work online. 

If you don't like their choices and can't refrain yourself for posting a comment that is potentially hurtful - just don't read the book. 

I'm not going to post any spoilers in case any readers do wish to read Hercules, but I would like to say - which many of you may be happy about - just because he has a book written about him, it doesn't mean it's going to be a ride in the park. He gets what's coming to him. 

To those who do wish to read the sequel (the prequel, Hades is currently on hold due to other projects), here is the link:

I also have a general fiction story called Her Redemption (it has a sequel; Her Revival), which isn't a wolf based story, however I'm rather proud of it, and to be honest, it's probably one of my favourite pieces that I've written. To those interested, here is the link:

Finally, I would like to state that despite being on wattpad for a few years now, I am currently deciding on whether I wish to continue using the website as I may end up permanently deactivating my account. That doesn't mean I won't keep writing - I just won't share it on wattpad. 

Thank you to those who have supported me, 


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