Chapter 1

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Kali was in the middle of packing up her suitcase. She was getting ready to go to England for her visit at the Mossy Bottom Farm to see her old friend Shaun the sheep and his flock again. 

Kali hadn't seen Shaun since last summer. But she had visited the farm many times before, having various adventures with the sheep. 

Shaun and his flock had been living on that farm since Kali sent them there when she was visiting Wallace and Gromit. That's how Kali and Shaun first met, before stopping the sheep rustling from the evil cyber-dog Preston.

Kali was even the one who named Shaun. 

Kali knows Shaun has grown up since that adventure with Wallace and Gromit. But Shaun still had that mischievous nature of his. 

Since then, Kali and Shaun have always shared their adventures together. There was a real bond between those two. They had so much in common, despite their different species. Sometimes Kali even felt Shaun was almost like a brother to her in a way, even though he was a sheep.

Kali was almost done packing, when her mother Jane came into her room. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to fly over there with you?" Jane asked, seeming nervous for her daughter going alone. 

"Mom, I'm not a baby anymore" Kali groaned at her mother, embarrassed. "It's just a short little visit for a few days, I can take care of myself" she insisted. 

It's true, Kali had been growing up now that she was eleven. But she still acted immature sometimes, especially when she was with Shaun and his flock, which worried her parents. 

"OK" Jane sighed, before giving her daughter a kiss on the head.

"Wahoo alright! Ready to get our baa on!" The twins suddenly came in the room with sunglasses and suitcase, etc. 

"And where do you think you two are going?" Kali asked her younger siblings, with her hands on her hips. All sarcastic and annoyed with them as most older siblings were.  

"To the farm with you" The twins replied. 

"Ugh!" Kali groaned at her siblings. "You already have our three creepy dog-like siblings to keep you company" she mentioned of the Warner brothers and sister, who her family had adopted. 

"Why do you always want to come with me?" Kali asked in an annoyed tone at her younger siblings. 

"Because every time you go somewhere and we don't, you always come back from some epic adventure" Brock said, obviously jealous that his big sister got all the fun (most of the time). 

"Like the time you, Littlefoot, and the gang found a stone of cold fire" Ann mentioned. 

"Don't forget the time she met Niko and saved Santa's flying forces. Plus helping with grandpa Neweyes's mission to send dinosaurs to New York City" Brock gave plenty of more examples. 

"Uh... Look over there! It's whoever's currently president right now!" Kali shouted while pointing out, getting her siblings to look the other way. 

With her younger siblings distracted for that short moment, Kali grabbed her backpack and small suitcase and dashed out the backdoor. 

She dove into the taxi cab and drove off. 

"HEY!" The twins yelled out to their sister in anger. But she was already gone and heading to the airport. 

Kali soon got her ticket and boarded her plane, now on her way to England. She looked out the window, watching the clouds, wondering how much would have changed on the farm. But most importantly, if Shaun would remember her. 

Kali's Epic Adventure with Shaun the SheepWhere stories live. Discover now