Chapter 20

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" all the things she said"

James's Pov:

A lot of things ran through James mind once he saw Luna get on the plane. He didn't want her to go but it was safer for her to be with Camilia. I know it wrong for me to have feeling for her but I tried my best to prevent it. Even since the first day I saw her, ever since that day, she has not left my mind. I let things happen so fast, even since the day Batman kidnapped her. I have never felt that much worry for someone not even Kim. I just want her to be safe, happy, innocent but this life has broken her. She not the same girl as she once was when she got here. I know Teresa fights the battle everydy but for Luna it was different as if she was made for it. But now she carrying our child, my child inside of her. The game has changed. I don't want raise my child in this kind of life style. But the worst to see how her parents react, yeah her mom may be Camilia but her father is worst. He is cruel and who knows what he can do. But all I can think about as I saw her get on that airplane was aleast she would be safe. I wanted to go with her but couldn't. I still have things to do here and the fast I get them done the faster I can get to my family, the only good thing I have left in this world.

Luna's Pov :

I don't know how to react to all this. Mom had brought my little sister her and didn't tell me aout it. But what broke my heart even more was the fact she didn't know anything about me, or who I was to her. How could mom and dad do that to me. Was everything mom told me fake, did she even care for me, I guess not since she didn't tell my sister about me. I guess after all I wasn't that important. The only thing that I want at this moment is James' arms around me but can't because he is till in Dallas. As soon as he is done there, he said he would come for me. So in til then I didn't want to see or hear my mom so I locked the door. Good thing that my room was at the front side of the house, so that I can look out the window to see when mother leaves and arrives.


Morning -

When I woke, I noticed that my door was open, how is that possible. I swear that last night I locked it. Then I noticed that my mom was in my room, looking out the window.

" I think you forget that I have the keys to every room in this house"

But I still refuse to talk to her. I have to let her know that lying to me isn't gonna get help her get my trust back.

"I know you're mad that I didn't tell you Isabela was gonna be here, I thought you should know that last night I was gonna introduce you two but things didn't work out for us.

But still no words left my mouth. I remain silent til she spilled her man purpose for this conversation.

"Okay I get that your are upset but I not here to explain myself"

"Then why are you here then Mother?"

"I came to info you that James is on a plane"

"He's coming?"

"Yes, I figure that If I bring him her, I will aleast get some of your trust back, but alot because I have a doctor arriving today to check on you and the baby's health."

And with that she left, leaving me in complete shock. She is trying to gain my trust after last night.


It was around 8:35 a.m when the doctor arrived. She had set everything up in the living room but as I was waiting for the doctor to finish setting up everything, Isabela walked in. I can tell by the look of her face, she was confused with why everything was here.

"What going on here?"

I wasn't trying to be rude to her but I was to busy in my own thought to even answer her question. I was just waiting for James arrived but alot becuase I want him to be here with me. This is my first check up that I been to that I found out that I was pregant and well also awake. The other time James was there for me, when I wasn't.

"What is going on here?"

Isabela said once again but this time she touched me, I guess she figured out that I was too catch up in my thoughts.

"Oh um she's setting things up for me"

"But why?"

"Because mo- Camilia set up an appointment for me."

I didn't want to call Camilia mom in front of her, not knowing if she accepted me as a sister or not.

"It's okay, you can call her mom, since she is your mom. and why what's wrong with you are you okay?"

I laugh at her worried comment.

"Yeah I'm fine"

"Then why did mom call a doctor here? If your okay?"

"It's because I'm pregnant and mom wants to make sure that we are okay"

Dropping that bombshell to her was scary, mainly because just a few hours ago she found out she has a long lost sister and now she finding out that she also gonna be an aunt. I watched and waited for a response but nothing left her mouth. Maybe she doesn't want to be in my babies life as it's aunt. I think that dropping all this is too much for her. I turned around and started heading for the kitchen, it's better for me to wait somewhere else.

"Why are you walking away?"

Was all she said to me.

"I don't know, I felt like the right thing to do"

"How far along are you?"

"Somewhere between 3 or 4 months"


"Yeah, Um can I ask you something?"


"Well you see this is my first check up since I found out that I'm pregnant and I wanted to know if you can be here with me. Because I really don't wanna be alone.

"I'll love too but are you sure? We don't even know each other?"

"Yeah I'm sure plus I was hoping after this we can talk. I mean after all we are sisters."


After my ultrasound, Isabela and I spent an hour and a half talking in til she had to go finish her homework leaving me alone once again. I was in the living room, eating some donuts, when I heard the door open but being me i'm thinking it my mother. but boy was I wrong.


Once I hear my name, I don't waste a heartbeat and I jumped off the couch, I know that voice. It's James. I run to the him, there he stood with his bag on his shoulder.


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