Chapter 12

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Luna's Pov

When Peter drop me off at the club, he stoled me to just look for James. Whom was looking for Teresa. In all honest, I don't wanna be near him right now. We had sex and then leaves the morning without leaving a note or something but no I wasn't worth it. I'm simple not good enough and I was so dumb last night to realize it. I saw James approaching Teresa, from the looks of it, it looks as if she was barely waking up. Dang it literally three something in the afternoon and she's still sleeping. When I react them I hear James tell Teresa to get up and to go with him to go kill someone and decide to join in the conversation.

L: Ohh who you gonna kill?

J: None of your business Luna.

L: Ouch, But actually it is my business since it's also my mission.

J&T: What?

L: Yup, I'm joining both of you today. Hint hint on my outfit.

J: Noooo! It's supposed to be Teresa and I, I wasn't informed that you were also going.

L: Well sorry not sorry but If you have a problem with it, go talk to Camilia because she was the one who sent me. But guessing since she didn't tell you is because she doesn't trust my sister too much.

T: Hey!

L: What it's true... So let's get the show on the Rode.

And with that I start to walk away and headed straight towards to James's car. I can tell that James doesn't like that Camilia sent me. But does he really hate me to much for not wanting me to go with him. Like I get that we had sex but damn aleast be civil with me. As we go into the car it was quiet for aleast a few seconds til' Teresa decide to ask stupid annoying questions.

T: Who are you going to kill? If you're gonna do that, I should know what's going on like the things Luna knows. I should know things too.

L: Actually no you don't be-

J: You'll find out when you need to know.

L: I was talking James.

J: So, I don't have time for this. I have a mission to do. So sorry If I rudely interrupted your pointless conversation with your sister. (Then James stops the car in front of this building and starts to get out the car, quickly as he can to avoid Teresa's questions )

T: Listen to me, I'm not doing this. ( He pretend like he couldn't hear he which made her alittle annoyed with him. She then also bolted out the car leaving me alone. But I eventually got out the car after Teresa did. When I caught up to them, I just walked behind them, avoiding to agrue even more with him) Hey! Listen, I'm not killing anyone.

J: I said "I'm. " I'm killing someone. Not you or your sister, Me! and not here. ( I can tell that he was clearly done with her shit, done with her annoying questions. That he literally is trying to remain his cool. ) Although in this house, there's someone I'd like to kill at times besides Luna.

L: The feeling is neutral James. ( I said walking a head of him , while he "talked" to Teresa.

I walked by the door, waiting on both of them to hurry up. But they're to busy talking about who knows what to walk faster. But eventually we entered, we walked to the stairs and countinued our way up. To a living room where we could hear the sound of the television. But once we reaach the floor to what I think is the living room, we see a girl sitting down on the couch watching tv. Who is she? I was to about to ask James on why are we doing here but he spoke too soon.

J: Hey, babe. ( babe? babe? Is she, his girlfriend? Oh my god. We had sex last night and right now I'm meeting his girlfriend. I don't feel good right now, I need to get out of here. but I have to wait for the moment )

K: You didn't say you were coming home, so I didn't order any food. ( wow she can't cook so she orders food. Simply just wow. I watch James approach her from behind where she is sitting and bends down to kiss her. I think I'm gonna throw up)

J: I'm not here, really. I just need one of your dresses.

K: A dress? { chuckles }

J: Turn around.

When she did, both Teresa and I just stare at her the same way she was looking at us. Then James started to introduce us.

J: Kim, Teresa. Teresa , Kim. ( wow he doesn't introduce me but he does for Tere. but then Kim turns and looks at me.)

K: And you are?

L: Luna.

K: Well then Hi too you to.

T&L : Hi.

K: So I'm guessing it's Teresa who needs the dress?

L: That's correct.

K: So what do you need a dress for?

L&J: Work.

K: Well all right, come on.

J: Make it a high-end dress. A nicer one than Luna's

K: James, don't be mean ( she turns to teresa ) This way, sweetheart.

Teresa follows her leaving me and James alone. I toke that as a sign and decide that it's better if I waited outside but as soon I started to walked towards the direction of the stairs, James was already behind me, stopping me from walking even further.

J: Where do you think your going.

L: Anywhere but here with you.

J: What is your problem?

L: My problem. My problem, don't you mean your problem.

J: Mine?

L: Yes, your's. Why are you being such a dick with me when I told you I was going on the mission with you and Teresa. Huh?

J: I don't know what your talking about.

L: You don't huh. Well I guessing you don't remember what we did last night either. How we-

J: Luna.

L: Oh know you remember.

J: Can we not do this right now.

L: Do what James, We aren't doing anything right now. We are just talking.

J: Luna you know that's not what I mean.

L: Well James, what do you mean because I'm getting mix signals from you. Especially from last night and right now. So how long where you going to tell me about Kim?

J: Luna I can expla- ( we get interrupted by a phone, it wasn't his and wasn't mine. so It has to be Kim's phone. James turns around to look for it but when he does it decide that it's mine time to leave. )

L: I let you handle that I'll be outside waiting.

J: Luna wait.

but he was to late, no matter how much he tries to explain, I made up my mind I can't fall for him than I already do. I have to get over the fact that he has a girlfriend and he doesn't give a damn about me. That it what's best for me.But also for him because he doesn't have to worry about me. I gonna try to avoid him after this mission intill I get over him. but til then I have to try my hardest right now.


Sorry that I haven't been posting alot has been going on with work but also because of Hurrican Harvey. So sorry for not updating sooner

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