Chapter 6

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( ) - thought bubbles during a conversation

Camilia's Pov

As I walked into the club, I was thinking of the excuse to tell my dear beloved husband, when he tries to call again. I still don't know what he really wants with the mendoza's sisters. Luna is young and doesn't know much, she reminds me of me. Well the younger version of me and sometimes she looks like my mom. But anyways I believe Teresa know more than she leads on, and I know that my husband is also is lying to me. These girls are important to him but why. As I got into my office, I reach straight for the buzzing phone and answered it.

C: Hello?

E: Camilia. Listen. (like I don't have a choice, so i listen to what he has to say ) I want to be perfectly clear about the girls i'm looking for. ( again about the girls, it's all he literally calls about ) Whatever it takes. whatever the cost. Do you hear me?

C: I hear you. It must be very important to warrant a second call. (

E: I like talking to you. ( no you don't you just want to know if I know anything about the girls, I literally been married to you for so long that I know when you're lying ) I'm starting to believe ,you miss me. ( you wish ) Might as well come home.

C: Why risk it? You know, we get along so well now. The charm of distance. ( i have to get information out of him about the girls ) Listen, I asked about the girl. Nobody has seen her. How much manpower am i supposed to put on this? How deep does this need to go? ( come on think camilia ) And I don't want you to hold a grudge. I know how you can get, and I don't want you to think i'm not taking this seriously.

E: I believe you are taking it seriously.

C: ( think of something to make him tick ) If I find her, do you need her dead or alive? Does it matter?

E: Preferably alive. ( I firgured )

C: I.m asking you for the last time. What does the girl mean to you?

E: I told you already ( liar )

C: So, you're not gonna tell me what this is about? I'm supposed to keep looking for these girls that mean nothing to you, ( liar ) whom you need alive, preferably, and whom needs to be made an example of?

E: Thank you, I knew you'd see it my way. ( not really assh'le )

C: (he isn't gonna tell me anything [ sighs ] ) Enough about this. Did Batman show you my proposal for the new delivery terms?

E: oh, yes, he did. ( wow, why can't he answer with more excitiment) Stiff, No? I have already given you the family discount.

C: Oh, but we're not family anymore, sweetheart. ( no , pos wow ) If you refuse my terms, this time we're going to have a much less amicable split.

E: [laughter] Oh... so this is tough talk abd toughter terms.

C: And how do you think I built our business in the first place?

E: I'd hate to be one of your competitors in Dallas. ( you are but you don't know it yet )

C: Am I supposed to understand by this that you've agreed to my terms?

E: I'm feeling semtimental today....... Okay, 12 months. We'll revist the terms next year. and Camilia.

C: Yes?

E: Once you find those girls, I'll finally give you infomation about our daughter.

C: Which one? Isabela or the one you toke away from me at birth.

E: I'll tell you once you find those girls. Bye Love { hangs up }

Ugh I hate when he does this to me, I want to know about my daughter, not isabela. I know that Isabela is okay. But I was more worried about Isabela's older sister. When I started this business with epifanio, I was pregnant. It was our first time working together after getting married and I was mostly a target to Epifanio's enemies. So when I gave birth to my little girl, epifanio sent him men to retireve her and he sent her far far away and since then he has been the only one who knows where she at. But years after that when I had Isabel, and we remained as 3 instead of 4. I miss my little girl, not knowing where she is and what she is doing. I was about to start crying when I hear James walk in. So I turn around to talk to him about the mission involving Teresa.

J: Hey. She did it ( he said setting down on one of couches in my office.)

C: Epifanio agreed to our terms.

J: You don't seem pleased about that.

C: I just don't think he would concede so easily.

J: Well, maybe he's reaching out. Maybe it's his way of making peace>

C: Or maybe he doesn't think I'm gonna be here next year. You Know, The Mendoza girls? Keep an eye on them ( while I keep an closer eye on the younger one) I think they might be more useful than I thought. I want you to talk to them. You need to get them to trust you and tell teresa, if she thinking of running away, she shouldn't. If she's thinking of going to the police, They will send her to the ICE, and they'll ship her right to Mexico and sooner rather than later, my husband will find her. Tell her, if she wants to die, she should run. If she wants to live, she should stay with me.

As i start to walk about James stops me and asks about Luna

J: And what about Luna? If she tries to run or escape to the police? (oh silly boy she isn't)

C: Oh James, I thought about know that you'll know that she isn't anything like Teresa. She has pontential unlike Teresa.

and with that i walk out the club and went home and to dream about my daughter and how much I miss them.

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