Chapter 14

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Part 2 of Episode 8

"I love you

I love you

Daughter to father

daughter to father

I don't know you, but I still want to

Daughter to father, daughter to father

Tell me the truth

did you ever love me'

Did you ever love me?

These are

The confessions of a broken heart"


  Luna's Pov

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Luna's Pov

My job in this mission was very simple, I just supposed to be looking normal, while keeping an eye on my sister. I'm just making sure that she doesn't fuck upp this mission, because if she does we are all screwed. As I entered the hotel, I started to feel alittle off. Like everything around me was moving so I grabbed onto the door, holding on to it as I tried my best not to fall. But as I was getting more and more dizzy just from holding the door, Teresa approaches me, as if she was a random stranger asking if I was okay.

" Miss, are you okay?" she asked in a whisper enough for the people around us to think we were totally strangers to each other. But as I tried to answer her back, One of Camilia's men, Gabriel also approached us, but he whisper very very quiet for only Teresa and I to hear.

"What going on here?"

But I really didn't get a chance to answer because Tere answered before I even had the chance to open my mouth to speak.

" I don't know, I was sitting down and then I saw Luna enter and I saw the she wasn't looking well and I thought it was nothing serious till I saw her grab onto the door to keep her from falling. So I came to see what was wrong with her."

I was gonna explain to them that I was okay and that it's nothing serious in til' Gabriel told Tere that it was was better If I go back to the car but it was to late for me to protest it because I complete passed out.


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