Chapter 8

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- sorry i've haven't been updating i been busy with my new job. but im gonna make it up tommorrow and Sunday

James's Pov

I been going over and over on the conversation that I had with Camilia last night. I'm not sure how to make Teresa trust me. I barely know her and her sister for a few days now and Teresa was making a big mistake. She was making sure that Camilia noticed her and that she can do so much more but she too naive and has zero experince in the cartel business. I walked into the warehouse, going straight for the mules area. I opened up the gate and was face to face with Teresa. I was really hoping to avoid her this morning and I knew it was too good to be true.So I pretend like she wasn't there and walked in further into the room and remained quiet . I start to look around waiting, I have forget what I came in here for.

T: thank you. ( I turn to face her ) for putting me here.

J: ( ummmmm keep pretending she not there ) Tina, Julie, get dressed. Savings Club.

T: Am I doing something today? ( why can't she just say quiet for once , so I decide that I might get the conversation camilia wants me to have with Teresa. I wish that I was rather talking to Luna than Teresa. I like Luna, she smart. She has potention and very determine and very driven. But mainly she brave and isn't at all crazy and annoying like Teresa. Luna knows what she actually doing, remain hidden. Unlike Teresa.)

J: Come with me ( I tell her, then grabbing her from her arm and dragging her somewhere were no one can hear ) I don't know how much shit you're in, but I know what you're trying to do.

T: And what am I doing? ( being reckless)

J: You're trying to ingratiate yourself with Camilia. But the seconf that you became valuable to her, the second she tales an interest in you, it's gonna be harder for you to get out. So be careful. ( hopefully she actually listens to me)

T: What am I supposed to do? ( oh my god, doesn't she understand what I jusy literally told her)

J: So you did a good job. She was impressed. Just do small things when you're asked. She'll get bored of you. ( hopefully with all that she will finally understand what I'm trying to tell her. so I about to leave the room with tina and julie when teresa decides to speak again )

T: Did you tell Luna the same thing you just told? ( i turn to face her once last time)

J: No.

T: Why not? ( is she serious right now )

J: Because she isn't the problem, you are. ( and with that i finally leave the room )


I was half way out the warehouse with Tina and Julie ,when Camilia decided to call me.

J: Yeah?

C: Why aren't you at Savings Club?

J: I'm on my way

C: Okay. Take Teresa ( what )

J: Why would I do that?

C: I want your opinion on her. I want you to dig deeper. ( well my opinion is I don't like her. )

J: I appreciate that but she's got no experince. I can't take the risk.

C: It's important to me.

J: just like staying out of jail or not getting killed is to me. She has no idea what she's doing.

C: James, I want her to trust you. You're good at that. Also I want you to take Luna with you, I dropped her off an hour ago so she should be there somewhere and It's not an option.

J: Okay. ( I said hanging up and walking straight back into the room where I just was with teresa )


J: Camilia wants you to go with us. come on hurry up. ( I said opening up the gate and getting her to hurry up and get going so I had time to look for luna )

T: What's with such the hurry?

J: I have to go get Luna as well?

T: Luna is coming too

J: Yes



Luna's Pov

I was outside, standing by the warehouse exit door. When I felt someone grab me by the arm and begain to get yanked at. I turn to face the person, whom was dragging me to who knows where. It's James, of course it him. But with three girls beside him and one of those girls was my sister teresa. I decide to ignore and pretend that she isn' there. I'm still pissed about her kicking me out earlier on our conversation.

L: James, what are you doing ( still no answer he just continued to yank even more intill we were getting close to the cars.) James where the hell are you taking me

J: We going to do some shopping.

L: And you didn't tell me before you decide to start dragging me all the way out her to the parking lot?

J: Luna get please shut up and get inside the car and i'll explain everything to you on the way, deal?

L: Fine. ( and with that we went on our way )


_skipping the car ride there_ { it still Luna's Pov }

As we arrive at our destination, James tells teresa that she going to stand in the car and be the lookout while the other girls did there job and went into the store before James and I go to the back and get the supply. James pulls out two cell phones. Giving one to me and the other one to tere.

J: This is your cell phone now. ( he said mostly talk to tere and not me , because it her,who is staying in the car for lookout ) If anything happens.. You see something strange, something makes you feel werid, some dude walks past with his dog twice, you call me or luna. ( making her look at me) There's a preset number.

T: What going on in there?

J: You daid you wanted a job. So you got it. ( and with that it was time for me and james to go inside) Let's go Luna ( he said now facing me )

L: Let's go then ( now walking in towards the back )



Once entering, we continued to walk, James said we were looking for a guy named Bill that worked here. It toke us a while but we found him. He was on the phone when we found him

B - Ah god!

J - Don't look at me like that, Bill. I'm not your wife.

B - All good, James?

J - Better than you, it seems

B - Yeah ( he said then turn back to talk to me ) And who are you pretty thing ( ewww is he trying to flirt with me but before I get the chance to introduce my self to Bill, James bets me to it )

J - Bill don't even try, she's my wife so if I were you back off. ( I'M HIS WHAT? HIS WIFE )

B- Sorry man

We start walking to a trailer that contained boxes of "baby wipes" , James opended the box to make sure it was the right product.


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