Chapter 6

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Uzumaki Naruto's P.O.V.

I gritted my teeth as I watched the match between Tsuna and that damn Kensuke Mochida. Its obvious that its rigged!

First, the asshole is the captain the kendo club so he obviously has more skills than our clumsy Tsuna, sorry Tsuna but no offense to you. And second, I can see Tsuna staggering around because of the weight. It means that asshole gave him the heaviest equipment and, sorry again, Tsuna has basically zero muscles so he's unable to even lift the wooden sword.

'Just you wait fucker. I'll fucking castrate you.'

I watched in dread as Tsuna was beaten around. I couldn't take it anymore and turned to Reborn beside me. Oh, have I ever mentioned that were currently sitting on the rooftop of the building next to the kendo gym. We can only see the match through one of the windows.

"Reborn do something!"

"I'm on it. I think that this has gotten pitiful enough." Reborn said as Leon, his chameleon, transformed into a gun. I have to ask him later how can Leon turn into a weapon. He aimed it at Tsuna's forehead again.

"Wait, your shooting him with that bullet again that makes him undress himself?" I ask him with incredulity. I don't think I'm ready to see Tsuna on his boxers again. Reborn just turned to me with an amused look.

"He needs it to become stronger."

"That includes him undressing to his boxers and become crazily fired up?" I ask with a deadpan. He must be joking. Reborn just replied with a twitch on his mouth.

"Yes. It includes that too." I just facepalmed and accepted Tsuna's fate.


I watched with pity as Tsuna once again undressed and a dying will flame, as Reborn called it, lit up on his forehead.

"REBORN!!! I'LL DEFEAT KENSUKE MOCHIDA WITH MY DYING WILL!!!" Tsuna yelled and finally won his match. Heh heh. Watching that asshole become black and blue was satisfying to my eyes.

"Looks like its already finished." I commented as I watched Tsuna console Kyoko even if the others called him a pervert. I smiled at Tsuna's kindness. Reborn just nodded.

"But Hibari Kyoya is on his way to beat him up."

"Ah, true." I saw Hibari-san threaten all the students and they finally ran away from the scene. I expected him to walk away but instead he turned to our spot above. I whistled as I watched Hibari-san walked to our destination. I didn't expect him to have high perception.

"Ne~ Reborn, are you recruiting people to Tsuna's famiglia?"

"So your believing me when I said I'll make Tsuna the 10th Vongola Boss?"

"A boy- no, a man like you would never lie."

"How do you know I'm not mentally a baby?"

"Even if you are genius, it will still be impossible for you to form coherent words much less do dangerous stunts."

"You really are not normal. Who are you?"

"Seeing that you mean no harm, I'll tell you. I'm a ninja."

"Ninja, huh. That explains your movements. And you must be quite skilled."

"Thanks for the praise, dattebayo!" As expected of the no. 1 hitman, he shows no openings even on his face.

"So what will you do with me?"

"I'll recruit you to Tsuna's family. A ninja like you with good character and high abilities are hard to comeby."

"I still haven't given my approval dattebayo."

"I know that you would still accept and besides I don't take no for an answer."


Our conversationn was cut when Hibari-san opened the door to the rooftop and strided towards us.

"Here for another fight, Hibari-san?" I asked with a grin. Its weird you know. Even if he looks like Sasuke-teme, my blood is still anticipating our fight. And I'm sure its the same for him who has person to call his rival.

"Well then, I'm off to see Tsuna and drag him home." Reborn said and disappeared. Me and Hibari-san had a staredown for a few seconds but he suddenly sighed and put away his tonfas to God-knows-where.

"It looks like I'm no match for you, carnivore."

"Eh?! Your admitting defeat?!" Hibari-san glared icily at me but sorry, it doesn't have any effect on me.

"I'm saying that you have more skills and experience than me, carnivore." What he's saying is true, I think that he still doesn't have any real life or death combat experience. Then an idea suddenly struck me.

"Then let's make a deal. I want us to be sparring partners. For you, you get to enhance your skills and have a sparring partner that can fight you on par and for me, I need the training to not rust. Its a win-win situation you know." I smiled at him knowing he sould accept. He contemplated a little but eventually agreed.

"I'll accept your deal, carnivore." I grinned at his response. Then to get to know him better, let's use Kakashi-style introduction.

"Then while at it, let's introduce ourselves properly. You know, your likes, dislikes, hobbies and dreams."


"Oh, you surprisingly agreed." What's with that surprised look? To fully understand an Uchiha, especially if his your teammate, you must first master the 'Hn' language. Its a hassle if you misunderstood their intentions just because you wrongly misinterpreted their 'Hn'. Such a terrifying language.

"Then I'm first! My full true name is Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruko and I'm a ninja, dattebayo. My likes are ramen, nice and hardworking people, Tsuna and Maman, my friends, my former team, my parents sacrifice, foxes and training. My dislikes are the 3 minutes to cook ramen, a certain snake and a fake crippled man, people who can't differentiate between a prison and a prisoner, fake people and people who disrespect my family. My hobbies are eating ramen, training, polishing my kunais, strolling around town and windowshopping. My dream is to find where I belong." I skillfully hid them but I think Hibari-san has noticed that I didn't mention any name from my past. Its an indication that don't search my past. He looks curious but didn't question.

"Hn. Hibari Kyoya. Fighting strong people and biting hrebivores to death. Troublemakers and noisy crowds. Training and patrolling Namimori. My dream is a secret." As expected from someone from the 'Hn' clan, he describes himself with few words. But I know what is his dream. How? Its because that... were the same.

"Your dream is to find where you belong too, right?!" I questioned him with a happy tone. He looks surprised but didn't show it in his face. I guess I hit right spot on.


"Don't worry, I won't tell it to others Hibari-san. Oh right! Call me Naruko, dattebayo!"


"Why? Because I don't like being called carnivore. I'll just call you Kyo-kun for short." Whoops. Looks like I made him really angry.


"Nope. I'll call you Kyo-kun."

"Then your Naru-chan." He suddenly stated with a smirk. I blushed at the embarrassing nickname and tried to stop him.

"Uwaah! Don't call me that, dattebayo!"


"But I really like the name Kyo-kun..." I whined. I hesitated but I just gave up.

"Alright! You can call me that, dattebayo! But don't think you have already won, Kyo-kun!" I yelled at him as I ran away with a blushing face. That meanie.

But what I didn't know was that the infamous demon prefect of Namimori is staring at my disappearing back with a soft smile.

'Hn. Its my first time being called a degrading nickname. But I'll endure it for her.' Hibari said in his mind as he thought about the interesting and powerful girl flashing him her cheerful grin.

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