[Chapter Twenty-Four]

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[Chapter Twenty-Four]

Your eyes scanned the office once more. It was what you expected it to be. Decorated with all his law degrees, school diplomas, a few trophies from back in the day when he used to be younger and in better shape. Chihiro Natsuki wasn’t bad looking for his age, but to have a reputation like him, he’s been around the block for a while. He was well into his mid-forties.

“Well,” he began as he stopped typing. “That about sums up our meeting.”

You smiled gratefully. “Great. I suppose I’ll get going.”

“Before you do, I was wondering if I could ask you a personal question.”

You frowned ever-so-slightly. “Alright, but if I wish to refrain from answering, I hope you understand.”

“Of course.” He looked down at his written notes. “You’ve been completely honest with me this entire time; telling me of your relationship with Jiro and even divulging your current relationship you have with Mr. Minamino. I was wondering… why did you take the risk in dating a student?”

You arched up an eyebrow as your [eye color] eyes stared into his questioning brown ones.

“I only ask because I gather that you’re not someone who would so lightly risk losing her job and reputation over something so trivial such as a fling.”

“If you must know, we are in love.”

“Oh I have no doubt about that. Though young, he is quite wise. Our phone conversation was very enlightening.”

“How so?”

“He asked all the right questions. He even asked questions most people fail to ask due to lack of education of the law. Mr. Minamino is very sharp and very much in love with you.” You blushed at that statement. “My question, though, is why did you take that risk?”
“May I inquire as to why you’re so curious, Mr. Natsuki?”

He kindly smiled at you as he sat back in his chair. He had an air about him; it wasn’t threatening, but it wasn’t calming. He just seemed content at this moment.

“I’ve never met a couple so strong and ambitious. I’ve had many cases involving couples; most of the time one of them is being carted off to jail. They come to me with such determination and they have such faith in me to keep whomever out of jail. But as the trial goes on, they lose their love for one another and soon they abandon each other. But not you or Mr. Minamino. I can feel it. It’s a love most don’t come by in their lives. But you hadn’t known any of this when you took a risk, so why? Why did you jump off that bridge into his awaiting arms? What if he hadn’t caught you?”

What he said touched you. A love most people didn’t come by in their lives? That was a powerful statement. It was true what he said. You suspected you’d love him, but you didn’t know if he’d return that love. And you didn’t know it’d be as strong as it is. So why did you take that leap?

“Our relationship had started off so innocently,” you began gently, your eyes becoming unfocused as you recollected the memories. “I was falling behind in my work and Shuichi was lacking in his community hours. We were blindly matched up.

“Within the first second of seeing him, I was undoubtedly attracted to Shuichi. How could I not be? He has such a toned body and the way his hair falls on his shoulders. His skin contrasts so violently against his hair, but it’s the perfect match. But what I love most about his physical appearance is his eyes. Those beautiful, green eyes. When he looked at me, I instantly knew he was wise beyond his years.”

Natsuki remained silent as he leaned forward in his seat. He was completely entrapped with your calm demeanor and gentle voice. A soft smile spread across your lips.

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