[Chapter Eleven]

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You anticipated the moment Shuichi would come walking into your classroom. You knew this was forbidden, you knew you needed to stay away from him, you knew you were torturing yourself, but he was too hard for you to resist. To pass the time, you decided to grade the tests that you gave out last Friday, seeing as it was now Wednesday.

“Miss [Last Name]?”

You glanced up to see Shuichi walking over to your desk, but he wasn’t smiling like he usually did.

“Is something wrong, Shuichi?”

“No. Everything’s fine.”


He regarded you with an indifferent look, waiting for you to continue.

“Is this about yesterday?”


“Are you upset with me?”


“Then what’s wrong?”

“I told you; everything is fine.”

You stared at him, not believing a single word he just said. What was his problem? You were starting to believe he was mad at you, but you couldn’t figure out why. It probably was because of yesterday in the café. That was probably what had him upset.

“Shuichi,” you sighed out, glancing down at the test you were currently grading. “You’re free to go. All I’m doing is grading the tests. I don’t need your help for that.”

He stood firmly placed in his spot in front of your desk, but you wouldn’t dare meet his gaze. You heard him begin to shift from his spot, but you didn’t have the courage to look up and watch him. Instead, you continued grading the paper, reading the response.

“[Name], I don’t mean for you to push me away,” Shuichi said, sitting beside you in the computer chair.

You cast him a sideways glance before going back to the paper. “It’s alright Shuichi. I understand.”

“I don’t think you do.”

“Then what’s bothering you? Something obviously bad happened to have you treating me as if I’ve gone and spoiled your garden.”

A chuckle escaped his lips as he reached out and grabbed your hand. You looked him in the eyes, glad to see the life back within them.

“You haven’t spoiled my garden. It’s just some trouble at home, that’s all.”

“Then why didn’t you say so? You made me feel like I was the cause of the problem. I thought you were mad at me.”

“[Name],” he began softly, his hand leaving yours to cup your cheek. “It would be very difficult for you to upset me; you’d have to put a lot of time and effort into it.”

You smiled as you leaned into his hand. “That’s good to know.”

“Now, may I help you grade these tests,” he questioned as he pulled away from you and adverted his gaze to the papers on your desk.

“If you really want to. I meant what I said; I don’t need your help for that.”

“But I’m offering, so you might as well take it.”

You laughed lightly. “Yeah, I might as well.”

He chuckled and grabbed an ungraded test and the answer sheet before getting to work. Silently, the two of you graded the tests together, simply enjoying the other person’s presence. About an hour after school had ended, you leaned back in your chair and stretched.

“Oh man, this is killing me,” you grumbled, causing Shuichi to laugh.

“It’s not that bad.”

“No, but leaning over a paper is. It’s killer on my back.”

Shuichi chuckled as he shook his head. “So are you calling it a day?”

“Oh God yes. I’ll probably grade more after dinner.”

“Would you like for me to help?”

Your blood boiled at the thought of Shuichi being in your apartment. It would be just the two of you with no one around. No prying eyes, no judging minds, no interruptions, just the two of you.

“You don’t have to,” you said weakly, trying your best to remain sensible.

“I wouldn’t mind, [Name].”

“Well if you’re going to come over, then you should come over for dinner as well.”

He smiled beautifully, causing your heart to flutter in your chest. This was wrong on so many different levels, but you were too tempted to say no.

“I would love too. What time should I drop by?”

“Six-ish. My apartment number is two o five.”

He smiled as he rose from his seat. “Very well. I’ll see you then, [Name].”

“Okay. Bye Shuichi.”

You watched him walk out of the room before staring down at the test in front of you. Did you seriously just invite him over to your house? No, he invited himself over to my house and I agreed to it. A smile crept across your face. He invited himself; he was taking the initiative once more. Only this time, you weren’t denying him.
“Time to get home and prepare.

You decided to dress modestly, not wanting to come across as some sex symbol, but at the same time you didn’t want him to think you weren’t attracted to him. Even though he probably would never think that. In any case, you decided on a nice, silken teal shirt with light jeans and some flat tan shoes. It was casual but cute. A good message to be sending to Shuichi.

As you were at the oven stirring the rice, your thoughts lingered to tonight. What were you expecting out of it? Shuichi was only coming over to help you finish grading the homework.

“Oh who am I kidding? There’s more to it than just grading tests.”

You weren’t going to be naïve forever. Shuichi wanted you and you wanted Shuichi. It was as plain as that. So when were you going to stop jumping around the bushes and just accept it already?

A knock was heard and you placed down your spoon as you hurriedly made your way to the front door. Opening it, you saw Shuichi standing there. He had on a maroon button down shirt with light jeans and casual shoes. He smiled charmingly at you as he walked into the apartment.

“Hello. Dinner smells wonderful.”

“It’s not finished yet. We still have a good ten minutes.”

“Do you need any help,” he questioned as he followed you into the kitchen.

“Would you mind cutting up the meat?”


“Thank you. So is everything at home alright,” you questioned as you began to place the vegetables on plates.

“Yes. I got into a slight argument with my brother and his father. Things are settled now.”

“That’s good. What was the argument about?”

“Oh nothing really. Shuichi wanted to-”

“Wait, your brother’s name is Shuichi,” you asked in shock as you turned around to stare at the redhead.

He chuckled as he nodded his head, never lifting his gaze away from cutting the meat. “Yes. But he looks nothing like me.”

“I would hope so or else it would get confusing as hell.”

He chuckled.

“So anyway, Shuichi wanted to what?”

“Aa yes. He wanted to start working for his father and Hatanaka was alright with that. I however, didn’t think it was such a grand idea. Shuichi is struggling to keep his grades up and I think that if he were to take on a job, they’d slip considerably.”

“I see.”

“Shuichi wasn’t too happy when I convinced Hatanaka it would be an unwise decision. I told him I would help him with his studies and once his grades were in a more secure place, he could work for his father.”

“Aren’t you just a sweetheart,” you teased as you placed the food on the table.

“I try,” Shuichi chuckled as he placed the meat in the center of the table.

“It’s no wonder why everybody loves you.”

“Not everybody.”

“Oh please. The girls at school practically worship your feet, the boys, although they may envy you, think you’re a pretty cool guy, the faculty absolutely loves you, your family loves you, I bet your friends love you-”

“What about you,” Shuichi interrupted you, his eyes holding you in a trance.

“What do I think about you?”


“I think you’re absolutely amazing. You have this way of just making me feel completely and utterly special. You’re such a wonderful man; always caring and helping out; you understand me and don’t push me too hard. You’re just… amazing.”

Shuichi smiled softly as he walked over to you and stopped in front of you. He settled his hands on your waist as he gazed down at you with that smile still upon his lips.

“Thank you, [Name]. I’m glad you’ve finally told me how you feel.”

You blushed as you looked away, a slight laugh rolling off your lips. “It was bound to happen sometime.”

“Yes, this is true. But I’m glad it happened now and not two years down the road.”

Your lips twitched as you tried hiding a smile. “Two years down the road probably would have been a safer bet, Shuichi.”

You raised your arms to wrap them gently around his neck. You turned your gaze to look him in the eyes.

“Yes, but two years from now we have no idea what we would be doing.”

“I suppose not,” you sighed out. “In any case, we should eat dinner before it gets too cold.”

Shuichi smiled as he dipped down and placed a gentle, quick kiss on your lips. “I agree,” he stated when he pulled away and walked over to the table.

You followed him with a large smile upon your lips. It felt so right to be with him like this. To have him in your apartment, helping you with making dinner, kissing you like it was his right to, eating dinner with one another.

You gracefully sat down in your chair as Shuichi sat down next to you in his seat.

“Dinner looks wonderful,” Shuichi complimented.

“Thank you. I slaved over this so you better like it,” you threatened.

He chuckled and took a bite into it. Immediately, his face became blank. “[Name], I’m sorry to say, but this is horrible.”

Your mouth dropped open and you crumpled up your napkin and threw it at him. He dodged it with ease and you crossed your arms over your chest.

“You’re dead to me, Shuichi.”

“I thought you wanted to hear the truth. Would you prefer that I lie to you?”

“Would you just shut up,” you shouted as a laugh escaped your lips. “I can’t believe you would joke like that.”

He chuckled as he took another bite. “It’s very delicious. You’re quite the cook.”

“That’s much better. If you keep that up, I’ll let you have dessert.”

“Hmm. Sounds promising.”

“But only if you behave,” you reminded him.

“I’m offended you would have any doubt.”
“Oh be quiet you.”

He chuckled and the two of you continued to eat dinner. The conversation flowed easily for the two of you and before you knew it, you were clearing the table and doing the dishes together.

“I’m just saying, the situation could have been handled better,” you said as you dried the dishes Shuichi had washed.
“I completely agree, but people will be people and they tend to forget how they should act when they’re angered.”

“You’re telling me. That’s why I try not to lose my anger.”

“You come across as a patient woman.”

You smiled as you grabbed a pot. “That’s good. I would hate to have people look at me and think I’m impatient.”

Shuichi chuckled as he finished rinsing the last of the dishes. He grabbed a towel and dried his hands before going to the dishes.

“And you come across as the Saint of Patience,” you teased as you began to put the dishes away.

“Do I really? I wouldn’t agree with that.”

“Oh please Shuichi. When was the last time you lost your temper?”

He contemplated the question for a bit before staring back at you. “I see your point.”

You laughed. “Alright, so we’re done with the kitchen, now we can go grade tests. Yay!”

He chuckled at your fake enthusiasm and followed you into the living room. You plopped down on the couch and pulled out the tests from your briefcase. Shuichi elegantly took a seat beside you as he settled himself in the comfortable couch while watching you sort through the tests.

“Alright, here you go,” you said as you handed him a pile. “And here’s your cheat sheet.”

He chuckled as he took the answer sheet and began working on the tests. For a while, neither of you two said anything as you graded paperwork. But you couldn’t take it. Shuichi was sitting on your couch in your apartment, looking so delicious it was a sin.

Sighing, you placed the test you had been grading down on the table and turned to look at Shuichi. He arched an eyebrow as he lifted his gaze to stare at you with those penetrating eyes of his; the type of gaze that went straight to your soul.


You grabbed the pen and test from him, placing them on the table, before turning your attention back to him.


“I don’t want to keep ignoring this,” you told him softly as you shifted to sit right next to him.

You saw an emotion flicker across his eyes before they darkened in what you could only guess was lust.

“You don’t have too.”


You leaned up and placed your lips against his in what started as an innocent kiss. It wasn’t long before things started to heat up. Shuichi pulled you against him as he plunged his tongue into your mouth. Your body instantly was engulfed in heat as you pressed yourself against him and shifted so that you were straddling his waist.

His hands traveled your sides before firmly resting on your waist, pulling you closer against him. You pulled away from his mouth and began to place heated kisses along his neck, loving the way his fingers gripped tightly against your hips. You instinctively ground your hips against his and you heard a soft groan of approval escape Shuichi’s lips.
You trailed kisses back up to his mouth before claiming his lips and clashing your tongue against his. Your blood was on fire as it pumped through your veins. His fingers caressed your skin as they ventured under your shirt. His touch put your body on fire. Tingles shot through you as his fingers continued their way up your back.

You ground against him once more and gasped as you suddenly felt the realization of the situation. You pulled away from him, your eyes wide in shock. You didn’t want it to get this far. Not yet, you weren’t ready. You could share a kiss here and there with a free conscious, but to further that you weren’t sure if you could handle it.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered, his voice straining to remove the lust from it.

“No, no. Don’t be. I let it get too far.”

He didn’t appear to be uncomfortable with the situation, despite the evident erection he had. Then again, it was a part of the male body and happened even at the most odd times; perhaps he was used to it.

“If you want, you can use my bathroom,” you said as you blushed.

“No, that won’t be necessary.”

You had gotten off his lap and now were sitting on the opposite end of the couch. “I’m sorry Shuichi. I didn’t mean for it to get this far.”

“Neither did I. I’m equally guilty.”
“Yeah but you’re young. I’m the adult here; I should be setting up the boundaries.”

“[Name],” Shuichi said as he shifted to look at you. “I’m just as responsible for this as you are. I won’t let you take all the blame.”

You smiled and you moved so that you could place a soft kiss to his lips. “Thank you Shuichi. You’re always too kind.”

He smiled as he ran a hand through your hair, but you could see him struggling with some self-control.

“I think it’d be best if you left,” you announced.

“I think so too.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” you whispered softly and he nodded his head, a gentle hum leaving his lips. “Good.”

He chuckled and he rose from the couch. You couldn’t help yourself as your gaze dropped to his crotch and you could see the tent that had been pitched.

“And again, I’m sorry… you know… for your condition.”

He glanced down at his crotch and ran a hand through his hair. “I was hoping it wouldn’t be too noticeable.”

“You could use my bathroom if you’d like,” you repeated.

“No, no. I’ll just wait for my body to calm down. Perhaps I’ll watch a monologue.”

You laughed full heartedly at that, your body engulfing the couch as you desperately gasped for air. Shuichi chuckled as he watched you with amusement while he gathered his coat and held it in front of his body. You calmed down a few moments later and got up from the couch, walking Shuichi over to the door.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Indeed. Goodbye [Name].”

“Bye,” you whispered before kissing him.

You broke away a few moments later and closed the door as Shuichi left. You shook your head as you thought of the monologue, a light laugh rolling off your lips. You began to reorganize the tests before your thoughts trailed back to Shuichi. You furrowed your brows as you sat down on your couch. You began to think about all the stolen kisses the two of you shared, the nice dinner you two ate, the hot make-out session that transpired moments ago… did this mean the two of you were dating?

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