[Chapter Fifteen]

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You had rummaged through your bag before locating your story and placing it face down on your desk. During the weekend, you added more to it and decided since Shuichi didn’t get the chance to see it Friday when he had asked, you would let him take it home and bring it back sometime later.

You looked up when you heard a gentle knocking on your window and saw Mimiko entering into your classroom. You smiled broadly at the elderly woman and watched as she came over to stand in front of your desk. She seemed a bit apprehensive.

“Hello Mimiko,” you greeted her cheerfully. “Is there something I can help you with?”

“I was wondering if we could possibly talk.”

“Certainly! What’s the problem?”

“Are you having any… troubles?”

You furrowed your brows as you tilted your head to the side. “Pardon?”

“Everyone is well aware that you are a young, attractive woman. The boys must fantasize about you in some way. You see, Friday Nozomi said she was a bit worried.” Your blood ran cold as Mimiko finished that sentence. “She came to me this morning, telling me that she was worried about you.”

“Why is she worried?”

“She told me that when she entered into the room Friday after school, you appeared a bit flustered while Shuichi was… oddly calm. He isn’t… sexually harassing you is he?”

“God no!” Your reaction had been instant. “Shuichi would never! He’s such a kind boy; very respectful of me. He would never. Oh my gosh, Shuichi would never do such a thing. Never.”
“Okay; I thought as much, but as your superior I had to check it out. I didn’t think Shuichi would, but if the concern arises, I must investigate.”

“Absolutely,” you agreed one hundred percent. “But Shuichi would never put me in a situation like that. He is very respectful and understands the consequences of his actions.”

“You mean to tell me that he is sexually attracted to you?”

You blanched at the bluntness of the question while your heart rate increased and you became increasingly nervous with each second that passed. “What? No. I mean, I don’t know. He doesn’t make it obvious if he is; I don’t have any suspicions that he is. God, now I’m rambling. I’m terrified I’ve gotten him into trouble when he’s been nothing but kind to me.”

Mimiko could obviously see the state of distress you were in and was quick to come around and rub your back comfortingly. “I’m sorry for having brought this topic up, but I had to. And I’m sorry for having twisted your words the way I did; I was confused. So Shuichi hasn’t harassed you or made you uncomfortable in anyway?”

You wiped away some tears as you spoke. “No, he hasn’t. He’s not in trouble for something he never did, is he?”

“Of course not sweetie. If you want, you can forget I even came in to talk to you about this, okay?”

“Is everything alright,” Shuichi’s voice entered into the room as he stood hesitantly at the entranceway.

“Yes, everything is fine,” you replied as you sniffed. Your heart was slowly reaching back to its normal rate while your nerves calmed.

“There was just a misunderstanding between Miss [Last Name] and myself. It would probably be wise if you went home, Shuichi.”

Your head snapped up as your eyes widened while you locked gazes with the redhead. He understood the message that you did not want him to go home, but it would be suspicious if he denied Mimiko’s request.

“Of course, Mrs. Nagasaki. See you tomorrow, Miss [Last Name].”

You felt a new rush of tears reach your eyes and you cursed all the adrenaline running through your body; you wouldn’t have been so emotional. “Bye, Shuichi.”

He left the room and you wanted to glare at Mimiko. What right did she have to send Shuichi home? He was here to help you, not her; therefore you were the one who was to dismiss him, not her.
“If it’s alright with you, I’d like to be alone right now. I just want to get my emotions under control and whatnot.”

“Certainly. I’m sorry to have caused you such a fright.”

You smiled sympathetically. “It’s alright. You’re just doing protocol.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow, sweetie.”

You nodded your head and watched as she left the room, closing the door as she went. You buried your face in your hands as a groan left your lips. Seriously, what the hell just happened right there? You nearly had a heart attack from that unsuspecting “interrogation.” And now more than ever, you wanted to talk to Shuichi, but she dismissed him home.

A light tapping was heard on the window of the door and you glanced up to see your favorite redhead. You smiled kindly as you waved him to come in. He did so, concern written all over his face.

“What’s the matter,” he asked, not even waiting to make it over to your side.

“I just nearly had a heart attack, that’s all,” you laughed out.

Shuichi easily made his seat beside you while his hand instantly found your thigh. He gently rubbed up and down your leg in a soothing manner as he silently requested you to elaborate.

“She had asked me if you were sexually harassing me because when Nozomi came into the room Friday, I looked flustered while you looked calm. Of course I told her you weren’t, but somehow I managed to give her the impression that you were sexually attracted to me and I just lost it. She took my meltdown as fear of getting you into trouble for something you didn’t do, which is good on our part. That’s all that happened.”

Shuichi squeezed your leg and you turned to face him. You smiled sadly as you leaned over and placed a quick kiss to his lips. “I just nearly had a heart attack.”

He chuckled as he brought his hand up to run it through your hair. “Well, there’s nothing to be worried about, so you should just relax.”

“Right. Oh! I brought this in since you didn’t get a chance to read it on Friday,” you said, changing the subject.

Shuichi glanced down and smiled as he recognized the story. “Good. I remembered when I got home that I hadn’t the chance to read the story.”

“I wrote some more to it. I think I’m going to make Youko Kurama a main character in the story.”


You could hear clear amusement in Shuichi’s voice, but you weren’t sure why. “Yes. He’ll make things interesting.”

“Look; it’s my two favorite people,” you heard someone announce from the doorway.

You looked over and saw Jiro standing there. You smiled as you greeted him. “Hello Jiro.”

“What’s up, [Name]?”

“Oh you know,” you said with a casual shrug.

“How are you doing, Shuichi?”

“Well. Yourself?”


You laughed lightly at the raven haired boy’s response. He smiled as he made his way over and sat down directly in front of you two, making himself comfortable in the student desk. He apparently was oblivious to how closely Shuichi was sitting next to you. You glanced over and locked gazes with the redhead, but realized he was already two steps ahead of you. There had been gained distance between the two of you and you hadn’t even realized it.

“So what are you up to? I hope you’re not causing any trouble,” you teased, which earned a smirk from Jiro.

“What if I am? Are you going to do something about it?”

Shuichi shifted in his chair, obviously unsettled with the flirtatious response by Jiro. You merely allowed the comment to roll off your shoulders.

“I would have too, considering I’m a teacher and it’s our obligation to set things straight,” you responded casually.

“But what if it’s not actually trouble, then what?”

You arched an eyebrow at him in question, not quite sure where he was going with this.

“Then that would mean you aren’t causing any trouble, wouldn’t it,” Shuichi inquired with cold eyes.

Jiro chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck. “I guess it would.”

You furrowed your brows in confusion as you glanced at Jiro then back at Shuichi. There was some tension between the two, but you weren’t sure what type of tension. It couldn’t be competition; Jiro didn’t know of you and Shuichi. It couldn’t be jealousy; Shuichi had no reason to be jealous. Perhaps Shuichi just didn’t really like the raven haired blue eyed boy. And with good reason; the boy had a reputation of being a heartbreaker.

“So no, I’m not causing any trouble, [Name].”

You kept forgetting you told him he could call you by your first name. It was awkward hearing him say your first name. Not something you wanted to get used to, but it needed to be in order for your secret to not get out.

“That’s good to hear, because I would hate to write one of my students up for detention.”

He chuckled. “That didn’t stop you last week.”

You laughed. “You were being a hassle. I told you to be quiet, but you wouldn’t listen. Do I need to tell you to shut up?”

“Yes. Telling me to be quiet is just too nice; you need a firm hand when talking to seniors.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” you lightly laughed.

“So what are you up to, Shuichi,” Jiro questioned as he tried bringing the redhead into the conversation.

“I was merely conversing with Miss [Last Name] about my day.”

“Lighten up, Shuichi. It’s just us, we can call each other by our first names,” Jiro teased.

“Still… it’s unprofessional.”

“You’re supposed to be unprofessional around friends.” You were surprised it was you who had said that and not Jiro.

Shuichi turned his cold eyes to you and they narrowed slightly. Was he angry? Upset? Warning you to be quiet? You weren’t sure. But you suddenly felt very distant from him and afraid of him.

“What she said,” Jiro seconded.
Shuichi’s eyes gazed over to the clock before his hand expertly began grabbing your story. “I should head on home. You don’t need me for anything?”

“She has me to help her out today.”

You furrowed your brows and shook your head. “No, I don’t. Is everything alright, Shuichi?”

“I’m fine, Miss [Last Name].”

“Shuichi… please,” you begged him, but you weren’t sure of what; to stop calling you by your last name or to tell you what was wrong.

“I have to get going,” was all he said before bidding you and Jiro farewell.
Jiro watched Shuichi leave before turning his eyes to you. It was clear he had suspicions, but of what you weren’t sure.

“I think he might be jealous,” Jiro suddenly announced.

Your mouth dropped open in shock. “Jealous? Of what?”

“Me and you.”

You arched up an eyebrow as you felt your face flush with anger and embarrassment. “There is no me and you, Jiro.”

“I meant he’s jealous the way you and I get along really well. Maybe he’s thinks I’m getting in the way.”

“In the way? Jiro, are you listening to what you’re saying?”

“Hey, he won’t be the first student to have the hots for you, [Name].”

“Okay, that is enough,” you declared as you stood from your seat.

“I’m just saying-”

“No. No ‘just saying this’ or ‘just saying that’. You are way out of line, Jiro. You’re making assumptions about something you know nothing about and can very well get myself and Shuichi in trouble. You don’t think, Jiro. You just allow yourself to talk and don’t think about the consequences of what you say.”

“I’m sorry, [Name], I had no idea.”
“No, you obviously didn’t.”

“Look, I said I’m sorry,” he said as he stood up from his desk. Calmly, the raven haired male walked over so he was standing in front of you. He reached out and placed a hand on your arm. “Are you going to be okay?”

You placed your head in your hands as you tried to calm your temper. “Yes, I’ll be fine.”

“Are you sure,” he inquired as he grabbed onto both your biceps and looked into your eyes. “I really am sorry. I didn’t know what I said was going to upset you so much.”

“Jiro… you just need to think things through before babbling on about things you know nothing about. I highly doubt Shuichi is jealous and I highly doubt he has the hots for me and I highly doubt he thinks you’re getting in the way.” You glanced at him, locking gazes. “What if one of my superiors had been walking by? Then what? Things are not taken lightly here at Meiou.”

“Alright, well I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any harm by it.”

You sighed as you nodded your head. “I know that and I’m sorry for yelling at you. I’ve just been really stressed out lately.”

“Maybe I can help,” he offered.

“No, there’s nothing you can do. It’s stress with the boyfriend,” you lied.

“Oh,” Jiro said, the disappointment clear. “I see… well, try me anyways.”

You arched an eyebrow. Jiro’s hand slowly slid down your arms as he pulled away, allowing himself to sit atop your desk.

“Try you,” you questioned as you sat down in your chair.

He shrugged. “Yeah, why not? You never know, I might just say something clever.”

You laughed as a hand came up to cover your mouth. “Jiro, sometimes you’re too much for me to handle.”

A smile spread across his lips as his blue eyes danced with amusement. “Well that’s no good. Shouldn’t I do something about that?”

You continued to laugh, not sure when this boy became so funny. “Jiro, you need to stop,” you laughed out.

“Well, I’m glad I got a smile on your beautiful face.”

That instantly sobered you up, your mouth slightly open in sheer shock. Jiro, on the other hand, didn’t seem fazed at all. You furrowed your brows as you leaned further back into your chair.


“What? It was a harmless compliment. That’s not a crime is it?”

“No, however it is suspicious.”

“Of what?”

“I don’t think you fully comprehend the seriousness of misunderstandings. I could possibly lose my job if someone thought I was doing something inappropriate with a student.”

“But you aren’t.”

“No. But a misunderstanding is all that needs to happen. It’s already happened once.”

“But you’re still here,” Jiro stated. “And what happened anyways?”

“I don’t need to tell you that, and I’m only here because it wasn’t me who was being accused.”

“You’re kidding me. Shuichi Minamino being accused of something inappropriate?”

“Jiro,” you began, your voice stern. “What has gotten into you?”

“Nothing. I’m perfectly fine. I just don’t want to pass up an opportunity.”

“And what opportunity is that?”

His reply was a mere smirk as he jumped off the desk. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”


He said nothing as he began to leave the room.

“Jiro,” you called after him.

Still no response.


He stopped at the door, slowly turning to allow you to gaze into his burning blue eyes. Your breath slammed against your lungs at the look he was sending you. It was predatory and that frightened you. Your words died against your lips as he held you in the intense gaze.

“Relax [Name], I won’t do anything stupid.”

With that, he gave you a wink and a smirk before turning and exiting the room. In the name of God, what have you gotten yourself involved in?

The Student (Kurama X Reader ) Yu Yu HakushoWhere stories live. Discover now