Escaping the Darkness (part 1)

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Percy's POV

I was still just floating around in the darkness. I had gotten used to it by now. So times I would try to swim around just to do something cause I was just so bored. I had been recently trying this. Nothing had happened from my attempt. It was just really tiring.

So know I was just chilling. Which is me just floating around my dark prison. I'm pretty sure I had been doing this for awhile, but then I felt a light on me.

I opened my eyes, which I hadn't realized I had closed. There was that golden light. It was getting brighter and brighter. I felt like I was going blind. There was a loud pop. Then I wasn't in darkness anymore.

Third POV

The fate's looked down at the battle that was just about to take place. Then next to this image was a darkness. In it you could see a man with pic black hair, a ripped up old tee-shirt, jeans, and finally startling sea-green eyes.

"It's started." Said one of the three old women.

The two others nodded I'm agreement.

"It almost time to bring him back. Get the yarn." Said one of them quietly.

The last one that hadn't spoken pulled out a glowing sea green yarn. It was unlike any of the other in the basket. All the other yarn that was in the basket were golden.

The strange sea green yarn had a gray yarn attached to it. They looked like they had been entwined. There was something wrong with the sea green yarm thought.

It looked like it had been ripped. It seems to only be holding on by a thread. The three Fates stared at the pieces of yarn like it would save the world.

"Get ready sisters, it is almost time."

Annabeth's POV

Everyone in camp had rushed to get to the top of the hill after getting as many weapons as possible. I was one of the first to get to the top.

I looked down from the hill. The amount of monster that we were going to have to fight was terrifying.

I could see a shadowy figure in the back of the army. I could feel the presence and surprisingly I recognized it. It was Tartarus, the Pit,

The place monsters come from, in his human form. None of the others seemed to notice. Everyone rushed into battle without a second thought.

I took everything in though, I saw that there was a leader. Someone I knew or thought I knew. It was Noah. Standing in front of the army like he wasn't my boyfriend.

I chose to ignore him for now. Which would be a horrible mistake for me in the near future, I would soon find out

The demigods had already started to fight. I could see some gods flashing in. I knew they were going to help as much as they could.

I saw Artemis and Hestia both protect Percy grave. I joined the battle as well taking down every monster in my path.

I knew that we were slowly getting pushed back. I saw Hestia and Artemis get pushed behind the pine tree. They were still able to hold off monster from where they were.

The monsters that tried to attack Percy's grave went off to other demi-gods to take them down. I could see demi-gods falling left and right. I could also feel myself getting pushed back.

Some demi-gods had been able to stay on the battlefield while other demi-gods had been pushed behind the border. I knew I was once again pushed up against Percy's Grave.

It had become silent on the battlefield. I looked over to see Noah approaching me. He sneered at me. The started to speak.

"Did you really think you would have another boyfriend after Percy Jackson. No one wants to be in the shadow of your late lover Annabeth Chase! I was always a spy for Tartarus. You were just too stupid to realize it!"

I stared at him as he put his sword to my neck. I looked around me. I dagger had somehow ended up to the side of me, too far to reach.

I did have hope though. Next toe was Riptide, embedded into the ground. Before Noah could say anything else I made my move.

I kicked up. Noah's sword flew out of his hand. I then kicked Noah in the stomach, sending him to the ground. I put down Riptide on top of Percy grave. I heard cheering for behind me.

I turned around but didn't see to notice the dark shadow figure behind me. When I finally notice I saw....

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