He's watching

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Percy's POV

I had been in darkness for what I could only say was years. I had no idea how much time had passed. I was left to my own thoughts. Which for any person would probably make them insane. The only reason I wasn't was that I was going to make it back to my family and Annabeth. I just had this gut feeling that I would. Even if Annabeth had gotten a boyfriend, I would still what to be there for her. I was her best friend after all.

I had actually seen light once. It was like someone was trying to talk to me. It happened every once and a while. I would see the light. Some times it would show a really faded picture. If I looked hard enough I could see it was a picture or image of someone touching a grave. Which I then concluded that this was my grave because why would this be shown to me. I never had enough time to see who it what because the picture would disappear after a while.

It had been a while since I had seen an image. Which made me worry. I knew that these images were from camp and that they were half-bloods. If no one touches my grave in so long then what if they were at war again. It's not like I could help them. I'm stuck in everlasting darkness.

Annabeth's POV

We were at war. Which means the campers were training super hard as to make sure that they were strong enough. The camp had an attack pretty much every other day. We only had one fatality and it was a daughter of Aphrodite. She has a grave in the Garden of Heroes. Which is a grave site were all the demigods that died a hero's death are placed. We had statues in the front for the Heroes who had fought in the second Titan and Gaint wars.

The garden of Heroes had a status of Percy in the very front of it. Like his statues were protecting the others. When every you were close to the statue or his grave for a matter of fact you had a breeze presences like he was watching over you. It was very calm. No one had been able to visit Percy's grave. We still have yet to figure out who the leader was of the army we were facing.

I think I have an idea but pray tell me I'm wrong. I think it's Tartarus. I am hoping I'm wrong but if I know that it is he who is rising. I haven't told anyone that I think this. Even Noah, who has been giving me a creepy vibe as of late. I've been watching him as of late and he goes missing at the worsed times. Even the rest of the Seven had noticed it. I knew that I shouldn't feel like this but I feel like he needs help.

I've been ignoring my feeling and trusted him. I knew I shouldn't have but I was so in need of someone to talk to that I went looking for him. Piper saved me for my feelings and dragged me over to Aphrodite cabin so they could do my hair. They say it as ugly as a sea cow. Which I I just shrugged too.

Their cabin had been making a secret language that only they knew. It was in honor of Percy. Most cabins had their own thing to honor Percy. Noah may have been the leader of the Hermes cabin but The Stolls had been in the ones who were at the council meeting. Noah was allowed in there so everything was good.

I had been going over a battle strategy with Jason when the attack horn was rung. We ran out of the Big House and up the hill. It was a bigger army than I had ever seen. Which I was surprised about. I knew we were going to have a couple of deaths with this one. Jason had everyone go into battle. I was once again the first one on the battle field. I killed a couple of monsters before I felt a presence that I had not felt in a long time.

I turned around and came face to face with Kronos. I slowly started to back up as he advanced to me. By the time I stopped being a coward I was backed up against Percy's grave but not touching it. Kronos laughed.

" I'll get revenge for what your boyfriend did to me. He won't be able to kill me today. Only he can kill me. To back he's dead." He grinned and summoned his weapon, the scythe.

" You really think you can win against Tartarus Annabeth Chase. He will get revenge on what Percy Jackson did to his wife." He took a step to me which I stepped back to.

By now all the monster had been killed of and the demigods were watching in shock. I saw a flash of light and the Olympians arrived, armored for battle. As I had stepped back I held onto Percy's grave.

"Please, Percy help me." I prayed silently in my mind as I watched Kronos bring down his weapon.

There was I flash from the sky and a sword rammed right through Kronos turning him to golden dusted. The sword that had killed Kronos was a gleaming golden sword. It stood in front of Percy's grave stuck into the ground. It was Riptide, Percy's sword. It had been stuck in the sky after Percy's request.

A breeze blew throw camp. My mother, Athena, made eye contact with me. I know she wasn't thinking of the same thing as me but, Percy loves me. It's not a grammar error. It a sign. Percy's may not come back but he's watching.

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