Percy Loves Her

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Annabeth's POV

I watched as my Seaweed Brain took his last breath. The three words he had said to me played over and over in my head.  I could feel my heart breaking slowly at the thought of the fact that he had saved me but also gotten himself killed at the same time. I could feel the other seven gather around me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Hazel fall to her knees in shock. The battlefield had become silent. It was as if everything had stopped in time. A cool wind swept throw the field. Then everything came crashing down on me at once. I let out a horribly loud sob that was so loud that everyone heard it.

No one seemed to know what to do. Frank was comforting Hazel, The Seven each had each other. Percy would be the one who would comfort me but now I had no one. I felt someone wrap their arms around me. I looked up to see my mother, Athena.  I cried in her arms. I soon became silent as my tears ran out. I felt Athena flash me to Olympus.

When we flashed there My mom set me down at the foot of her throne and sat on her thrown herself.  The other remaining Seven sat at parents throne's step looking at the ground, not knowing what to do with the death of Percy.

Zeus cleared his throat and got our attention. I stayed staring at the ground.

"I know that we have just lost the greatest hero of this age or maybe of all time but we need to get the Greeks, Romans, And The Hunt," Hermes nodded and flashed out.

After a couple minutes everyone was at the throne room. It was silent everyone was waiting to hear about the news of the war. I saw Nico staring at Poseidon's throne. Nico gasped and fell to the ground. Reyna looked at Nico in worry.

Zeus cleared his throat once again, which made everyone focus on him,

"You have all been summoned here so we could announce what had happened on the battlefield in Greece. Gaia has been defeated but at a horrible price,

Percy Jackson has died." Zeus finished his mini speech quietly but everyone could hear him.

It was silent, no one dared to say a word. Finally, a sob was heard in the throne room. That sob was mine. People finally started to let their emotions take hold and in a matter of minutes, most demigods were crying.

Athena cleared her throat to get the attention of Zeus, which it did. " Father, I for one think that we should put Percy's grave in Camp Half-blood. It should also symbolize all of the things Perseus did for us."

Zeus nodded and told Athena to get to work on it. To which my mom nodded and flashed out of the Throne room. Slowly everyone calmed from the news and were waiting for what was going to happen next.

"We must give the remaining Seven gifts for their efforts in this war," Zeus said but before he could say anything else, there was a blinding flash.

The fates stood there after the flash was gone. What they said shocked me to no end.

"We, The Fates, will be giving the Seven their gifts." They said to Zeus which he nodded in response.

" The Seven, Nico, Will, and Rynena will become the immortal rulers of camp half-blood. Camp Jupiter will merge will Camp Half-blood. Annabeth you shall get a different gift from the rest. You will become a minor goddess of intelligence and take over Dionysus duties. If you except Annabeth Chase." The fates said to me. I nodded in yes.

Nico gasped and asked, " Why, don't you want to be with Percy in the Underworld?"

I looked away from him before saying, "Percy has faded and he made me promise to become a god if asked."

It was once again silent on Olympus. The Fates nodded when they heard me say this. The silence was broken when Athena reappeared.

"The grave is ready Father." My mother told Zeus. Zeus nodded and looked over at Hestia. Hestia flashed out.

Hestia reappeared with Percy's body in her arms. Percy's once tan skin was pale white. His eyes were still open but they were dull and lifeless. They no longer held the joy or laughter that used to fill them. His muscles were relaxed and his jaw was hanging open due to no longer having brain waves holding anything together. His muscles had dislocated from his shoulders and knees. 

Apollo jumped off his throne and made his way to Hestia. With his powers of being the god of healing, he made Percy's jaw, knees, and shoulders go back into place, He closed his eyes and flashed him into a sea-green t-shirt and black jeans.

Hermes started to flash everyone to camp and the rest of the Olympians did as the Fates said. Before we all flashed away to camp to Percy's grave the fates spoke to us or more me.

" Another war will happen but not for many years, you will have trouble winning this war. Although you all will receive something for the last battle of this war. Be ready. Annabeth, we are sorry that we had to cut Percy's string. Your love was pure and was something that should have lasted forever. Percy loves you dearly." The fates said before flashing away.

Third POV 

All throughout the years of Annabeth's life after that meeting with the fates, Annabeth could never get one thing out of her head. Even when she was visiting her parents. Even in the meetings for the gods or the meetings at Camp. Even when she got herself a new boyfriend that she was slowly falling in love with. She stayed up at night trying to figure out what the Fates had meant by thoughs word. She never mentioned into to anyone but it was slowly eating away at her mind. 

The fates said the Percy Jackson loves hers, not loved like it should have been. Did they mean something by that or was it just a mistake in grammar. Or was something big going to happen?

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