Chapter 6: Seriously?

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~~~Sophie's pov.~~~

Seriously I have the best friends in the whole world. It's so hard to imagine after all this time that they still are so caring over me. I wish I could do more for them since they have done so much for me. OOOO...What if I made them a huge breakfast to thank them? I normally only deal with desserts, but I'm sure I can whip something up for them. It's the least I can do after they have defended me and standed by my side through all of this caos. Well I can't make it here since they would see all of it so maybe I can ask Rita if I can use the kitchen tonight so that I can make the boy's food. She shouldn't mind too much since the sore is closed on weekends and I don't start making the frest pastries till Sudnay night so I have enough time to be able to prepare this if I start tonight after close and work my way till I get done.

First step though is to get all the supplies that would be nessasary for me to be able to prepare this feast, and that means heading off to the grocery store. How am I getting to the store though? My car is back at my apartment, and I am definitely not near my apartment. I wonder if I can borrow Ryder's car? He won't mind, hopefully...I'll leave money just in case.

Surprizingly it doesn't take me that long to make it to a grocery store after leaving ryder's house ( well more like mansion.) I want to make a lot of food but I don't want to waste it so I should probably figure out what exactly I'm going to want to make and what I will need to make it. I definilty will be needing flour, sugar, salt, baking powder and soda, vegetable oil, milk, eggs, whipped cream, bacon, sausage, blueberries, chocolate chips, raspberries, syrup, vanilla extract, and most likely other things. Well most of my ingredients would be in the baking ile so I'll just walk over there and grab everything I think I would need. I think at home I have a pancake grittle, a waffle iron, and all the other tools I would need that aren't food and wouldn't already be at the bakery. Now that I'm mostly through with what I need from here I should probably call up Rita.

*Ring, Ring, Ring*


"Hello Rita!"

"Sophie, great to hear from you, do you need anything?"

"umm.. yah acutally, I have a favor to ask of you. Would you mind if I used the kitchen tomorrow early morning? I wanted to do somehitng nice for my friends, and my kitchen too small, so I was hopeing to use yours. I'll make sure to clean up everyhtign and won't use the stores food supply, I already bought everyhting I need...."


"yes Rita?"

"Of course you can use the kitchen, I trust you well enough to allow you to use it. Just make sure to close up after you are done. Okay?"

"Yes Rita, Thank you so much!!"

"your welcome my dear." *Click*

Well that solves that problem then. Awesome, I can now just pay and go back home to pick up those last needed supplies. Surprizingly it doesn't take me that long ot go through the line at the register and make it back to my small apartment. A quick look at the clock shows that its around 1:00. Well I guess that's alright though, I can just go take a nap. Plopping the bags on my arms on the floor, I stumble away from the kitchen my emotions wighing me down. I faceplant into the bed, crawl myself fully on, and my eyelids slowly close allowing me to succumb to the tiredness inside.


UGH, I think while slapping my hand around my bedside table searching for my phone before finding it and answering the call

"Hello?"my voice croaks out.

"Well someone's tired. Have you gotten dinner yet Soph?"Ryder's voice chuckles through the phone

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2017 ⏰

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