Chapter 2: Cupcakes and kittens

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It's been a year since the wedding and I've gotten over being crushed and destroyed, but I haven't been able to open my heart up again. I didn't want to be anywhere near where those memories were, so I moved to a different small town called Aster. I found a job working in a local cupcake store called Animal Kingdom Sweets that pays pretty well. I do everything from make the cupcakes or other pastries to just manning the register. I'm definitely kept busy. I barely have dull moments because there is always someone in the shop or ordering online. Even though I'm busy all the time it doesn't bother me since I love what I am doing.

My off days I volunteer at the local animal shelter helping the lost animals find new homes. I even was able to convince my boss to put up pictures around the shop of some of the animals. And I'm allowed to bring one in once a week. Today I'm bringing in Snowball who is a Persian mix kitten. She was born in the shelter, her mom is a rescue we found. She looks like her mom with her snow white fur and golden eyes.

I head down to the shelter and once I arrive I tell the staff on duty that I'm here. They know me by now to let me go to the back on my own to pick who I'm bringing. As normal my path is down the long hallway pass all the other playrooms of many different animals that felt unwanted . It was sad to think about all of them without a home, that's why I made it my mission to take care of them as much as possible and make them feel happy while waiting for their forever home.

At the very end of the hallway was the kitten playroom. We put the youngest arrivals towards the back so that when people come to see the animals they notice all the older ones and maybe choose one of them before immediately picking a young one without seeing the ones who have been here longer. We have 5 kittens right now in our care and I'm hoping someone adopts them soon. I can see little Snowball in the middle of the room playing around with Maxwell, a Maine Coon. It's so cute watching them play together but to make sure I'm on time to work I interrupt their play and take Snowball out. She calms down in my arms and snuggles up against me looking so adorable. I take her over to the counter were Julie was sitting.

"Hey Julie." I call, taking her attention from her computer to look up at me.

"Oh hey Sophie! Taking little Snowball today are you?"

"Yah, she's great with the kids and doesn't get into too much trouble. I'll see you later when I'm done."

"Have fun girl! And bye Snowball." She cheers as she pets snowballs fur before turning back to her computer. I sigh and head out of the door. The shelter isn't too far from where the shop so most of the time I just walk like today. Snowball is still curled up in my arms but is looking around attentively, she's a curious little girl but she knows when to settle down to not get into trouble. We make it to work and the little bell chimes as we walk into the shop causing Rita to look up. Rita is my boss and works all the time. She sees me and her face relaxed.

"Morning Sophie. You ready to work? I could really use some help here."

"You know I'm ready Rita. I brought Snowball."

"Aww...She's adorable. Okay, I'll take her and you go to the back and get yourself prepped."

"Yes Rita." I reply as I hand her Snowball and turn to go towards the backroom. I put on my apron and wash my hands clean before grabbing a pair of gloves and heading back to Rita. She's getting people's orders with Snowball curled up next to the register on the counter. I notice Lexi on the register checking out one of our regulars, so I go up to Rita. "I'm back, what do you want me to start with?"

"Oh, I just got a huge order before you arrived. I wrote down the order; it's in the back. Do you mind going and start working on it?" I nod and hastily go to the kitchen. It's not every day that we get big orders. Maybe a dozen or two, never more than that though. Looking around I find the sheet of paper with Rita's handwriting.

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