Chapter 3: what just happened?

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I wake up early in the morning to the sound of my phone going off. Stumbling out of bed I find my phone on the counter and accept the call without looking at the caller ID.

"Sophie, Sophie! Wake up girl!!!"

"I'm awake Lexi, what do you need?"

"What do I need? Well, I need a lot of things, but that isn't the reason for me calling. No, it's what Rita just told me. Apparently, this party tonight you're not working at, your invited!!!"

"What?!? I'm not going then. "

"Yah you are, I don't know the details but I know it's a masquerade ball and you need a makeover. Come on girl we're hitting the mall. I'll be over in 20 so be ready." She hung up the phone on me. I let out a sigh and fide a presentable outfit of a flowery top, a jean jacket, a pair of my capris and my dark brown fringe boots. There was no arguing with her once she got her mind set on making me go. I see her car pull up in front of my house, so I take my purse with me and get into the car. We drive down the way to the mall in a nearby town and as soon as we get out of the car Lexi is already pulling me as fast as she can towards the great expanse of stores. I'm sure we went through like 6 stores before Lexi even found something she wanted me to try on. She handed me a pile of like 8 dresses and shooed me into the changing rooms to try them on. The first couple were okay but they didn't really impress me. Then I found one red one, the top was covered in lace with little butterflies and flowers and the bottom was tulle in layers to make it slightly bouncy but not too much that it was overpowering. The dress was about knee length so it was the perfect length as well. I give myself a spin looking at the mirror before walking outside the dressing room to find Lexi. She was standing right outside of my door and as soon as she saw me I heard a gasp then a squeal. "That is just perfect on you!!! Oh, my goodness, we need to get that right away!!! Oh, and I think I have the perfect mask to go with that as well as a necklace that would work perfectly. Now we just need the perfect pair of shoes...... How about these?" She looks around the store and pulls out a pair of red heels with only a small heel and some ruffles on the strap. They were perfect so I nod my head and we head over to the register. I go to pay but Lexi shakes her head. "I was given a special card for this shopping trip to be used." She whips out a card and hands it to the lady at the register. "Now on to the beauty salon, we are getting that hair done next." she drags me off to a little hair salon in the mall. "This is your chance to do something different be bold!" With that one of the hair dresser ladies comes up to me and takes me over to one of the chairs.

"What can I do for you today sweetie?"

"I don't know I just want different. What do you think would look good on me?"

"Well looking at you what about if we went for short dirty blonde hair and then I can make the bottom part a little lighter so it will go from dark to light in the blonde spectrum. How does that sound?"

"That sounds perfect. Thank you." She starts messing with my hair adding the hair dye into it and then once it was set she washed and dried my hair. Once it was fully dried she cut it, but I couldn't see exactly how it had turned out due to her turning my chair around so I couldn't see the mirror. She blows it dry again and brushes it before looking at me,

"You're all done sweetie. Would you like to see?"

"Yes please." She slowly turned me toward the mirror and I couldn't help but gasp. I looked like a completely different person, but it felt more like me. The lady took of the cape across my chest to make sure I didn't get hair all over me and I stood up out of the chair. I headed over to Lexi who was reading a magazine. "Lexi, I'm done. What do you think?" She slowly looked up and I could see a look of surprise come across her face.

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