Chapter 1: The big day

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Hello, me here. I wanted to say thank you if you are reading my story. my previous stories i wasn't the best with uploading but I really am hoping to do my best with this one. Being a college student makes it so that my time is a little small to be working on writing my own personal stuff, but I'm going to try. I also have summer time coming up so that will be a great time to be able to write more often. I will try to update this once a week and if I get more written you guys might get more updates earlier. Please no hate comments about my story. This story is purely fictional, any similarities to people in real life is purely coincidental. 


^Picture up above is Sophie^


I look into the mirror before me and sigh. I can see my light blue dress flowing down my body, my brown hair in light waves down to my shoulders, my make-up light and done with perfection. I'm ready to go, but I really don't want to be here. I should be happy, I tell myself and put the fake smile on my face that I've had for the past 10 years. Pushing aside what's inside of me, I step out of my room and walk down the hallway till I reach the door I'm searching for.

"Aria, you ready?" I ask.

"I'm almost done...There! Do I look okay." Aria asks in her sweet voice. I look at her in her amazing dress and her hair is done in the most beautiful braid. She's gorgeous, I guess that's a part of the reason I've been jealous of their relationship since I met her.

"You look perfect; he's going to love it." I say trying to not show the jealousy that I've been hiding. I'm happy for her, but that doesn't stop me from being jealous.

"You really think so, Sophie?" she asks with a slight hint of nervousness.

"Would I really lie?" I counter. While thinking in my head, I wish he wasn't going to love it. She laughs and gets up out of her seat.

"Well I'm ready, it looks like you are as well. I'm soo happy that you agreed to be my maid of honor I don't know if you know how much it means to me and him that you agreed."

"I was honored that you asked, I couldn't turn it down."

"You know, you make him so happy being here. When we first met, he would talk about you so much, I got jealous but then realized how you're just like a big sister to him, I'm so grateful for that. He means a lot to me and know how much of an impact you have made in his life means so much to me." I didn't know how to respond to that. I mean, she was jealous of me? If only she knew how pained it made me to hear that. I don't want to ruin her day though so I just smile and nod. She looks at me again before asking, "Can we go?"

"We're just waiting for your father." I reason.

"I'm right here." I hear from behind me and look to see Aria's father coming up behind me with a huge grin on his face. "You look beautiful darling. Now let's not keep them waiting." They both chuckle as I step in front of them and lead them to the giant doors at the end of the hall. Everyone else in the party is already lined up in their correct order, so once the three of us get there someone sends the cue and the music starts playing. The large doors open and the first set of people start walking down the aisle. When it gets to my turn I go with the flow reminding myself to keep the smile on my face and that I'm doing this for him. I finish my walk and stand in my position and once I do I finally get the courage to look at him. He has that amazing smile on his face that I've come to know and love. He really loves her, I think. There's still the part of me that wishes that I was the one about to be coming in, but his happiness matters most so I stepped back and let him discover who he wants to spend his life with. The only reason I accepted being the maid of honor is because of him. He wanted me to do it and I couldn't say no even though this is the hardest thing ever to stand here and watch as what I had hoped and dreamed is destroyed. He never knew my feelings, I never got the courage to tell him. This is better though, she's perfect for him and I couldn't be happier for them. My thoughts didn't last for long before I heard the music changing and everyone rising. She walks in as graceful and beautiful as she always is. She's the lucky one here getting to end up with him. Her father hands her off to him and the two of them walk together up to the priest. I really don't listen through the speeches, why would I when just standing here today has already caused me so much heartbreak. My attention is pulled back when the priest calls out,

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