Chapter 4: Friends + bowling + drama =fun?

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Sophie's POV.

It's been a couple weeks since the party when I met Ashton and saw my old friends again. Since that day; me and Ryder got together a couple times for lunch breaks since we wanted to get re-accounted with each other. I've missed Ryder so much, that was definitely a downside to moving here, but I needed to move away and anyways Ryder doesn't even live over there anymore. Apparently, he is the owner of a huge hotel business that is partners with Ashton's company. After a bit of explaining he understood why I moved out here without telling anyone where I went. He had already known about my feelings for Lucas, since the two of us were almost as close as me and Lucas once were.

We both have no clue still as to why he acted the way he did at the party. Apparently, none of the boys have been able to get in touch with him since then. Which is weird cause they are all supposedly best of friends. I just want to know what's going on; it's so frustrating how I don't know anything as to why he acted as if I didn't exist. I mean he didn't know who I was at the party, but that was because of the hair. Even with that he acted as if he didn't have any other friends besides Ryder, Nick, and Ashton. I've known him almost as long if not longer than all of them, so it's very frustrating. Hopefully soon we can get to the bottom of it and figure out what happened.

Tonight, the three of us are meeting up to go bowling together and then we were thinking about going to get dinner. I can't wait, I mean I may not be the best at bowling, but just hanging out as a group is going be so nice. Ryder said I can bring a friend so Lexi is coming along with me. She's been wanting to come out with me. I think it's also because she wants to meet my old friends and see if they are hot. Well, that's the word she used at least. Her and Nick might be good together, now that I'm thinking about it. That would be so adorable. I'm not normally someone who is good at pairing people up together, but hey this one just came to me. So, maybe I'll get one win. Really, I'm not going to do anything except for introduce them, then I will back off and let Lexi do her thing. I don't want to interfere. If something happens, great. If not, oh well.

I'm currently helping out at the shelter since it's a weekend, most of the time when I'm supposed to be doing one thing I end up getting distracted and just playing around with the animals. Let's just say the fact that it makes the other people who work here very annoyed at me a times. It keeps the animals happy, so I don't complain about it and they don't either. My favorite job is washing all of the puppies because they love messing around with the water and it's so adorable watching them splash around. I wash all the animals actually, but the puppies are my favorite to wash since they actually like it. The cats most of the time I have to be very careful with, because some get very feisty when I wash them. I've received many cuts and scratches from those times.

Thankfully today I'm washing all the dogs. I've already finished most of the puppies and am onto the bigger dogs. Well some are not that much bigger, but still. I got done washing Coco the Saint Bernard and bring him back to his pen. It really makes me sad that there are still so many animals here in the shelter that haven't found homes yet. I know we've had a huge increase in adoptions, but we still have a long way to go. Searching around, I think out loud, "who do I have next" I find young Sequin, a little poodle that just got in here a couple weeks ago. "Come on Sequin girl, time for your bath." I coo. It takes me a good amount of effort to get her out of her cage, it was as if she knew what was coming. Seriously, though, that girl doesn't like the idea of taking baths. It's like she forgets what a bath is and just doesn't want to leave her cage, but once I get her out and manage to walk her down to the room where we have bath time, she's perfectly fine.

I head down with her, before hearing the jingle of the bell in the main room. I ignore it and continue to lead Sequin to her bath.

"they told me you would be back here." a very familiar deep voice chuckles. "what's with you and working behind the scenes?"

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