Chapter 5 Can we all just get along?!

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Sophie's pov

"The traitor who left me...stole...I wouldn't call her a friend" His words sent a shockwave through my body, and I was ready to collapse on the floor. Thankfully, Ashton caught me.

"Wait, so that's what you think happened? You think Soph stole from you and then left because of that?" I hear Ryder question.

"Why else would she leave? Everything was fine, but then, the night after my wedding, she just takes off without telling anyone. When the wedding was done, I found that the thousand dollars my family gave me and Aria was stolen."

"Are you kidding me? Are you sure we are talking about the same girl here? I may have known her for less time then you, but the Soph I know would never steal from her best friend. Most of the time, she was too busy trying to stay happy for you instead of revealing how she really felt." Ryder barked out, then realized what he said and turned to me, "Sorry for saying that. It wasn't my place to say."

I get some strength back, manage to stand up, and walk over to him.

"It's okay, it's not like I could say it myself."

"Wait, Soph?" Lucas' voice questions. I turn towards the man I used to love. "Is that true what he said?"

I nod my head before continuing. "I loved you for a very long time, but when you started dating Aria, I knew what that meant. I saw what she meant to you, and I knew that you would never look at me that way. So yes, I was jealous, and that's why I left. I wanted to start over without bothering anyone, and I didn't want to cause any issues."

"Well, you were definitely right to think that. You're just my friend. I'm glad you didn't tell me, so I didn't have to be an addition to your extensive list of boys who broke your fragile heart," he said with a sneer. Suddenly, the world around me turned blurry, and I grabbed a hold of the nearest table for support. I couldn't believe that I had once called him my best friend and given him my heart. As the world around me became clearer, out of the corner of my eye I saw Ashton punching Lucas. The other boys made sure he couldn't get away because his accusation against me brought out their protective natures.

Why does this always happen to me? I should have just disappeared for good instead of moving to a different town. When I left, I severed the boys' friendship with Lucas. I wanted to solve issues by leaving, not cause them. I don't even want to know where he got the idea that I stole from him and left for good. I thought I was his friend, he should trust me better than that. Did he really have to go to that extent though? I know boys don't like me as more than friends, it's a fact I face every day. Then he just throws it in my face that he is another one to add to that list.

I couldn't stand being near him so I sprinted out without anyone to stop me. I just kept running through the parking lot over to the cross walk. I wanted to get away as fast as I could. I tried to cross but a hand roughly pulled me back into a hard chest right before a car quickly drove past me. Thousands of emotions flew through my head as I collapsed into the hold of whoever it was and started to cry. I couldn't handle everything that was rushing in my brain, I've held onto these emotions for too long and they just all fly out in a ugly mess.

"It's okay Soph, just let it all out."

"Ryder? How?"

"You really think I didn't notice you running out. I know you, I knew you would run so I followed you. I pulled you back so you didn't get hit by that car. Now I can tell there is a lot on your mind, spill."

"I just feel like a burden. All I try to do to help people just ends up creating more problems. I tried to release everyone's burden of me by moving away and yet it created more problems. While back home, I caused problems and since I left I've now helped sever your relationship with Lucas. You guys would be so much better off without me." I manage to get out before crying again.Ryder grabbed me, sat me down on his lap,

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