Chapter 26

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My heels click on the concrete as Austin walks me back to the hotel, his hand resting on my back protectively. Normally, I would be terrified to walk the streets of LA so close to midnight, but with Austin I feel so safe and I can truly enjoy the beauty of the city. Although we walk in silence, it’s a happy silence as we both admire the soft glow of the city lights and the stars shimmering in the silver light of the moon. It’s the perfect romantic setting and I haven’t felt so at peace with my feelings for a long time, I realise. It feels amazing to have just admitted my feelings and have them returned. A part of me wishes I had just done that with Sam, then maybe things would have been a lot easier, but another part of me knows that that ship has sailed and pushes it out of my mind. I have Austin and he’s all I need. 

“I had a great time tonight, Melody,” Austin says softly, “And I really like you.” 

“Me too,” I agree, “And I really like you too, Austin.” He returns my smile and then takes my hand, slowing down so that we pause under a streetlamp. He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear, just like in the bar, and his touch gives me butterflies. 

“Melody Rose Pointer, will you be my girlfriend?” he asks with one of his heartfelt genuine smiles that just make me melt inside. 

“Austin Solomon, I would love to be your girlfriend,” I reply, laughing at his formal request. 

“I was hoping you’d say that,” he smirks, then leans in and kisses me again. My heart flutters and I feel shivers spread through my whole body. When we pull apart, he looks into my eyes and brushes my cheek gently. 

“You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen,” he says in little more than a whisper. 

“You’re not too bad yourself,” I tease him, leading him along the street with our hands entwined. 

We arrive at the hotel reception after a few minutes and the bright white lights seem almost blinding compared to the soft glow of the city at night. Austin walks me to up to my floor and then kisses me goodnight, leaving me feeling a little dizzy but I manage to stumble to the room. I slip off my shoes before tiptoeing into the dark room. Jenna is already curled up in bed with her back to me so I quickly change after completing a shortened version of my skincare routine (who knew it was so hard to moisturise in the dark?) and then slip into bed. 

In the drowsy stages between being awake and being asleep, I think about how lucky I am to have Austin and how he makes me feel so much better about myself and, for the first time since arriving in LA, I don’t think about Sam. 


After the first week of filming is over, time seems to fly by and I barely notice a whole month pass. Things get easier once I actually have friends so I don’t have to face Mario Ferelli or Lavinia alone. Also, sharing a room with someone is so much easier when you’re best friends, I realise, as Jenna and I spend our mornings laughing together and just messing around like sisters. She teases me about my skincare routine, I make fun of the way she always empties the entire wardrobe when she’s finding something to wear, she becomes my wardrobe adviser and teaches me how to shop in LA and I help her improve her singing range up four notes. Together we are virtually unstoppable and Kassidy and Dakota mostly back off when they realise they are evenly matched. 

It also turns out that having Austin Solomon as your boyfriend is probably the best thing in the world. I mean, number one: he’s absolutely gorgeous. Secondly, he’s hilarious. He makes me cry with laughter on a regular basis and being with him is always so much fun. Thirdly, he’s so thoughtful and romantic. He always holds my hand on set when we’re filming together, no matter how many dirty looks Kassidy gives us, and if we’re not together he sends me cute texts to ask how my day is. He takes me out to dinner and even sent flowers up to the room one day. Everyday I feel so lucky to be dating someone so perfect and I feel so much more confident in myself. 

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